Chapter 15 Section 1 England
How many countries are in South America? Focus Question How many countries are in South America?
England's Physical Characteristics The British Isles are made up of 4 regions England, Scotland, and Wales make up Great Britain England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom England is the largest nation 80% of the population lives in England
England's Physical Characteristics England’s landscape is made up of 3 areas Highlands, Midlands, Lowlands Highlands Band of hills Located on England's west coast Difficult to farm Midlands Southeast Large amounts of coal deposits Industrial capitol Largest population Lowlands South and East Land slopes toward the English Channel Fertile land Produces large amounts of crops Perfect climate for raising sheep and cattle
Rise of London London is one of the worlds greatest commercial and shipping cities of the world Leading city Good farmland and resources Located on the Thames River Close Proximity to Europe 70 miles Steep Cliffs and protection
Economy Britain became a world power during the 1500’s Expanded their rule to overseas empires Britain is a very rich nation Rich resources Large amounts of capitol Fertile Lands Britain has used up too many resources Used the majority of their coal deposits during the Industrial revolution. Despite the problems Britain's overall economy has been growing steadily Relies on tourism Tertiary economy
Section 2 Scotland and Wales Chapter 15 Section 2 Scotland and Wales
What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain? Focus Question What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
Scotland's Physical Characteristics Occupies 1/3 the land of the UK Contains only 10% of the population Cheviot Hills and the Tweed River separate Scotland from England Contains 3 Regions Northern Highlands, Central Lowlands, Southern Uplands
3 Regions Northern Highlands Central Lowlands Southern Uplands Large plateau Many lakes called lochs Covered in moors and bogs Cooler climate perfect for sheep Central Lowlands 75% of Scotland's population live here Region was once a industrial center Region has become run down and fallen on hard times Unemployment has risen Southern Uplands Scotland's Sheep capitol Wool mills are located here Farming Region
Scottish Culture New Industries are taking the place of mining, and shipbuilding Politically united with England Contains its own culture United in 1707 Scotland still contains its own religion and system of government.
Wales Wales has its own capitol city, flag, and language. Wales has been united with England since 1284. Located on the west coast of Great Britain About the size of Massachusetts Marine west coast climate Very rainy and wet
Economic Activities 1800’s industry changed the landscape Coal mines and factories were the main source of jobs and employment 1980 most all coal mines were closed Unemployment soared 1990 conditions improved Many went to work in the technology section of the economy
Chapter 15 Section 3 Two Irelands
What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain? Focus Question What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
Physical Characteristics Ireland is divided politically into 2 parts Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland Divided religiously between catholic and protestants Marine west coast climate Lush farmland and vegetation Emerald Isle 1/6 the land is covered in peat Waterlogged mosses and plants Used to make energy and for cooking
Cooperation and Conflict Religious Conflicts Catholics and Protestants Most English are Protestants but most Irish are catholic Protestants controlled the wealth and the Catholics were poor Led to cultural Divergence Potato Famine hit Ireland hard in 1840 Caused by a blight Forced many people out of the region Many people starved to death
Section 4 The Nordic Nations Chapter 15 Section 4 The Nordic Nations
Nordic Nations 5 Independent Nations Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland
Physical Characteristics Region has varied landscapes Region has varied climates Has many peninsulas Region is covered in lakes from the glaciers Region is rocky and difficult to farm Natural resources Geothermal energy Iceland is called the land of fire and ice
Long Winters and Short Summers Because of its location the region has long winters and short summers During the winter they might only get 3 hours of sunlight a day During the summer they get more than 20 hours of sunlight a day. Aurora Borealis Land of the midnight sun
Ocean and Climate Mild Mild Marine Subarctic Tundra Ocean and wind can influence the climates and weather.
Economy All 5 nations are democratic All 5 have a mixed economy Each nation specialized in a specific item and good. Industry Shipbuilding, fishing, trapping.
What are the Nordic nations? Focus Question What are the Nordic nations?