Planning for Our Future Care at Home Vince Fraga Market Development, Quality & Commissioning Aug 2016
Welcome & Introductions Agenda for the session 10.45 – 11.05am - Vince Fraga Overview of the new opportunities in Stockport, the commissioning environment, working together with providers 11.05 – 11.25am - Mark Fitton Stockport Together and Systems Resilience, what this means for providers 11.25 – 11.45am - Vince Fraga & Mark Fitton Question and answer session 11.45am - James Hunter, STAR The Commissioning Timeline & introduction to the workshop 12.00 – 1.00pm - Workshop
Purpose of Today Aim of today is to engage you on some current opportunities but also an opportunity for the future landscape of commissioning in Stockport; Fundamentally we need to do things differently as both commissioners and providers (preferably in collaboration)! We want to move to the future quickly but need to be flexible and responsive in the present (not to say we can’t gain learning from this); Three distinct opportunities from today: short term contract for system resilience; ‘Updated supply list’ and; night support
Current Environment We are all working in a system that is beginning / already feeling the strain; National issues in the home care & residential care market Unlikely that additional long term funding will be the answer. ASC expected to deliver a £8m saving over next 2 years Need to consider different & more integrated models of care
Current Environment Work already in place to consider what support is needed in the provider sector; We are continuing to build different working relationships going forward – despite the fact this sometimes feels like a slow process! Genuine desire to build support for people that assists them to remain at home; Local emphasis on this from the intermediate tier GM level thinking and mobilisation for ‘Support at Home’
What do we* expect Engaging and talking to you more about what each of us require to navigate in these challenging but exciting times; Continuing to work with you to build capacity in the market and wherever possible collectively problem solve; Clarity, honesty and transparency (as much as possible)… Working ethically and putting the individual, their families and carers and the centre of what we do.
Where do we go from here??
Current Direction of Travel Mark Fitton Director of Operations, Adult Social Care August 2016
Stockport Together Programme of work to bring the statutory health & social care system together; Adult Social Care are instrumental in ensuring that the wider social care market is part of our future plans; Neighbourhoods will be the basis for our future delivery of care – 8 Neighbourhood Teams; However, initial focus will be on making significant impact on attendances and admission to ED & hospital – Intermediate Tier/Care
Stockport Together New Integrated Service Solution Business Case broadly signed off and going through organisational governance; Stockport has been awarded £19m GM transformation funding over 3 years; Investment will be made across the system; There is a need for short term plans that speak to longer term aspirations
System Resilience Funding Non-recurrent monies available for resilience planning for the system; Some monies already committed but significant funding available to invest – this will need to speak to the system as a whole; Our aim is to build on what we already have, with an emphasis on crisis response, hospital admission avoidance, discharge to assess and IMPORTANTLY ensuring we have a home care market with capacity
System Resilience Plan Building on our priorities; We need capacity in our neighbourhoods that can deliver a system wide approach; Is the market better placed to deliver planned care – what is our best collective deployment of resource; Need to get the right balance between the REaCH service and commissioned home care; Overnight service seems key to support people at home at a point of crisis
Question & Answer Session Thank You & Over To You Question & Answer Session ??