15 Science teachers supported by 4 science technicians Science KS4 15 Science teachers supported by 4 science technicians
NEW Courses Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) GCSE
Exams Triple Science Combined Science All exams are taken at the end of the two year course (at the end of Year 11). There are 6 written papers (1 hour 15 minutes each), 2 for each subject. Each paper is a mix of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open responses. All exams are taken at the end of the two year course (at the end of Year 11). Each GCSE has 2 written papers (1 hour 45 minutes each). Each paper is a mix of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open responses. Students will gain three separate grades; Biology; Chemistry; Physics Students will gain two grades which will be linked.
grades Old GCSE grade New GCSE Grade 9 A* 8 A 7 B 6 C/B 5 C 4 D 3 E 2 9 A* 8 A 7 B 6 C/B 5 C 4 D 3 E 2 F/G 1
Coursework There is no coursework element any longer. Students have to complete required practical investigations. Practical skills will be tested within the exam papers.
How your child can be supported Provide a quiet place to study. Encourage them to constantly review their work throughout the year. Get revision guides. Listen to advice about other forms of revision – BBC Bitesize; My GCSE Science on You Tube etc. Use old exam questions / papers to practise exam technique . Use the revision clubs; Chemistry on Monday; Physics on Tuesday; Biology on Thursday.