German American Partnership Program / Seaman Marburg Partnership Program Sponsored by the US Department of State and the German Education Department Short-term exchange that pairs American and German secondary schools Goal is to expand each participant’s understanding of the host country’s culture and way of life, as well as to promote instruction of German at high schools throughout the US What is GAPP or SeaMapp?
How does SeaMapp work? German students come to SHS in Fall 2017 American students go to Marburg in June 2018 Students are paired – you will host the same student that you will stay with in Germany How does SeaMapp work?
Fall Exchange: Summary Germans arrive in September/early October Host students and families meet at MCI– travel by bus Students attend school and have a school orientation Welcome Potluck dinner at a home Departure Potluck dinner at a home Germans leave 2 weeks later Fall Exchange: Summary
Fall Exchange Group Excursions German Student Excursions Gary’s Berries Corn Maze (evening) Eisenhower Museum in Abilene Worlds of Fun (weekend) WW1 Museum, Nelson-Atkins Museum, or Steamboat Arabia & Plaza/Legends German Student Excursions Capitol Building Tour Kansas History Museum Brown v. Board of Education Fall Exchange
June Exchange: Summary SHS students travel to Germany in June Host students and families meet at airport– travel by bus Students attend school and have a school orientation Welcome Potluck dinner at a home Departure Potluck dinner at a home SHS students leave 2 weeks later There will be an additional excursion either at the beginning or end of the trip June Exchange: Summary
June Exchange Group Excursions American Student Excursions Heidelberg Castle and University Frankfurt Marburg Weimar / Buchenwald Concentration Camp American Student Excursions Marburg walking tour Fairy Tale Tour June Exchange
Group and Family Expectations Hosting: German students must have their own beds (can be in a shared room). Family is responsible for providing transportation for German students to/from school and to other activities. If you have a unique situation (alternative diets, numerous pets, unusual accommodations, etc), please provide details in your application! Families that are unable to host AND travel may still apply but should note the restriction on the application. Please understand that students that are able to both travel and host will receive priority preference. Group and Family Expectations
Group and Family Expectations Required Meetings: There will be a small number of mandatory meetings for all hosts (parents and students!) and some for only students. Hosting meetings will be in spring 2017 and potentially summer or early fall 2017. Travel meetings will be in late fall 2017 and spring 2018. Group and Family Expectations
Costs Flight: between $1700 and $2000 Chaperone Fees: approximately $300 Hosting: $50 / your student + German student to help cover costs, such as entrance fees Spending Money: $300 – $900 for meals out and souvenirs Comparatively: a travel to Germany through a travel company for 10-12 days would cost approximately $3720 starting out. Costs
Once you submit your application, Frau Calhoun and administration will review applicants. Students will be informed of results by Christmas break. If approved, you will need to submit a $300 non-refundable deposit. Payment plan will be established in 2017. Application Process
Applications available now due by Thanksgiving break Next Steps