IASC Foundation 9 November 2006 Leilani Macdonald —Translations * The views expressed are those of the speaker, not the IASC Foundation November 2006 Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald
The IASC Foundation Publications Department The Publications Department handles key area relevant to adoption including: Translation Management and coordination of the translation & review process of the IFRSs Contracts Negotiation of contracts for government copyright waivers, commercial licences and translation Commercial Activities Product development, sales, and licensing November 2006 Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald
Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald Waiver of Copyright When necessary to enable adoption, the IASCF waives its rights to the bare, numbered Standards within the jurisdiction This waiver allows the standards to be freely disseminated by anyone in the jurisdiction We do not waive copyright to the additional IASB content such as the Basis for Conclusions and Implementation Guidance November 2006 Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald
Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald Translation We manage the translation of IFRSs into over 40 languages After professional translation, a review committee of experts approves the translation Our policy is to create only one high-quality translation per language Current Spanish Review Committee – 5 Industry Professionals & Academics from Mexico, Miami, Argentina, Colombia and Spain November 2006 Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald
Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald Questions? Lmacdonald@iasb.org.uk November 2006 Accounting and Auditing Cluster Meeting Leilani Macdonald