Presentation Overview Timeline of effective dates Acknowledgement cards vs ID (PIN) cards Failsafe provisions Voters with disabilities Voter Registration and Absentee Request Drives
Voter ID is verification of a voter’s identify. What is Voter ID? Voter ID is verification of a voter’s identify. Voter ID is not used to establish qualification to vote All registered voters are presumed qualified to vote
Timelines and Effective Dates
What happens when? NOW: Voters will be asked for ID at the polls, but no other requirement End of November, 2017: All new registered voters and voters who update their voter registration will receive acknowledgement cards that include voter ID cards for voters without drivers’ licenses or non-operator IDs First week in December 2017: SOS mails voter ID cards to registered voters without drivers’ license or non-operator ID
What happens when? 1-1-18: Voters will be asked for ID at the polls. Voters without an ID will be required to sign an oath before they can receive a ballot. 1-1-18: Absentee voters are required to supply voter verification number on absentee requests Drivers’ license number Non-operator ID number Four digit PIN on voter ID card
What happens when? 1-1-19: Voters will be required to provide an ID before they can receive a ballot at the polls. Iowa driver’s license current within 90 days Iowa non-operator’s ID current within 90 days Current passport Current veteran’s or military ID Signed voter ID card
Tale of Two Cards
Acknowledgement Cards / ID Cards Voter Acknowledgement Cards Sent by counties as prescribed by present rule and law, to acknowledge updates to voter record Sent only to voters who have DLs or Non-Operator cards Cannot be used for voter verification Does not include PIN
Acknowledgement Cards / ID Cards Voter ID Cards (PIN Cards) Initial batch sent by SOS Sent by counties for new registrants and to acknowledge voter updates (present law) Can be replaced by county auditor Sent only to voters who DO NOT have DLs or DOT-issued Non-Operator ID cards Includes 4-digit PIN Must be used for voter verification
Failsafe Measures
What if I don’t have an ID? For Pre-registered Voters: Use EDR –type documents Current photo proof of who you are Proof of residency, current within 45 days Or, attestation by another registered voter Or, provisional ballot
Provided whenever voter’s eligibility is in question: Provisional Ballots Provided whenever voter’s eligibility is in question: Voter requested, but did not return, absentee ballot Voter did not provide ID For EDR voters if polling site does not have electronic pollbook
Voters with Disabilities
Voters with Disabilities Voter’s signature and identity presumed to be valid Poll workers must consider all information presented to them when determining if voter is person depicted on ID Poll workers cannot challenge a voter because the voter’s signature or physical appearance has changed
Voters with Disabilities Voters can update their signature at any time for any reason Voters may use a mark, stamp, or have their signature executed by another person if signed in presence of voter
Other Stuff
Other Matters / Voter Registration Drives VR forms must be returned to county auditor within 7 days of receipt. If VR pre-registration deadline is within 3 days, VR forms must be returned within 24 hours.
Other Matters / Absentee Ballot Drives Absentee Ballot Requests Cannot be accepted at county auditor’s office sooner than 120 days before election Requests must be received in the county auditor’s office no later than the voter registration deadline for that election Requests must be delivered to auditor’s office within 72 hours of receipt, or with 24 hours if collected after VR deadline