John Utley Quinton Lowry Will McNabb Viva la Resistance!! John Utley Quinton Lowry Will McNabb
Overview Our device is made out of basic materials. The propeller is made out of an oatmeal can and a gears are made out of a coffee can and miniature wheels. The device took two weeks of changing our minds and about eight hours of actual labor. The generator consists of a Plexiglas shell surrounding six magnets which spin on an axle. The Plexiglas is enveloped by wire.
Approximate Costs Magnets-----------–-$9.00 Magnet Wire--------$8.00 Axle------------------ $5.00 Tape------------------$.50 Oatmeal can-------- $2.00 Plexiglas------------- $5.00 Frame---------------- $4.00 Tires------------------$1.00 Cup-------------------$.50 Coffee can-----------$2.50 $9.00 $8.00 $5.00 $ .50 $2.00 $4.00 $ 1.00 $.50 + $2.50 $37.50
Device Function The function of the device is relatively simple. The oatmeal can pieces naturally pick up the wind due to their curved shape, which turns the axle they are connected to. This axle is connected to a large coffee can, which turns a small wheel, increasing the speed of the generator.
Construction Issues The biggest issue with our project was procrastination. The original generator shell was made out of K’NEX, but the K’NEX weren’t strong enough to support the wire wrapped around it. We changed the generator shell to Plexiglas and had a few problems with gluing the pieces together. Eventually we settled on brackets. The windmill blades broke off several times. Also, the magnets were lopsided, resulting in difficulties while spinning.
Calculations Theoretical power in Windmill: P= ½ A V 3 P= ½ (1.225 kg/m 3 )(.3429m) 2(1.7m/s) 3 P= 1.1116 watts Actual power P= V * I P= .8volts * .02amps = .016 watts .016 watts Efficiency = --------------- = 1.4% 1.1116 watts
Conclusion Project went well once we picked a design and started on it. Biggest issue is the weight of the magnets. While they produce plenty of voltage when turned by hand, the fan lacks the strength to do the same. If we had a stronger fan, our generator could very well power the universe.