A Healthy City Conversation
Housekeeping Mobile Phones Wifi details Evacuation details / Fire alarm Twitter information: #1000Conversation @healthycityLDN
Programme Outline 9:20am/1.20pm Welcome and Opening 9:35am/1.35pm Thought-provoking presentations 10:45am/2.45pm Refreshments 11:00am/3.00pm Open Space Discussions 11:50pm/3.50pm World Café Activity 12:30pm/4.30pm Reflections and Closing Comments 12:45pm/4.45pm Event Close
Introduction Prompts to set the scene for the event: -Who we are -What we do -Why we are here -Where we find ourselves now -What needs to be done differently -How we are going to get there Background to Healthy Cities and 1000 Conversations
Thought-provoking Presentations
Will Day Sustainability Advisor to PwC Provocation 1: City Mega-trends Note: During a half day session we recommend 2 x provocations. Please delete applicable videos to suit your session Will Day discusses some of the global mega trends with regards to cities, and their potential, social and economic impacts. Challenges such as food, fuel and water usages, rapid urbanisation, population growth, demographical changes in the population, and coping with and responding to the demands of an aging population.
Will Day Video here… There are no accompanying slides with this presentation. If you have internet access and would prefer to stream Will’s video during your event, copy and paste the below link in to your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA1_mttREec Or you can download Will’s video from http://www.londonleadershipacademy.nhs.uk/healthycitytools
Nicola Walt Senior Consultant, Arup Provocation 2: Smart Cities Note: During a half day session we recommend 2 x provocations. Please delete applicable videos to suit your session Accompanying slides available in pack for handouts Nicola discusses the concept of ‘the smart city’ and how it has been used, along with the different ways that smart digital technology can help make cities and their inhabitants healthier and more efficient through developing their transport systems, health care and electricity. This smart technology not only provides data analytics but it also connects people/things and can have a positive impact on the city and inhabitants through 5 areas: Social Political Functional Environmental Economical
Nicola Walt Video here… Accompanying slides available in pack for handouts If you have internet access and would prefer to stream Nicola’s video during your event, copy and paste the below link in to your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORBdki6fiDA&feature=youtu.be Or you can download Nicola’s video from http://www.londonleadershipacademy.nhs.uk/healthycitytools
Mark Goyder Provocation 3: Private Sector Perspective Founder Director: Tomorrow’s Company Provocation 3: Private Sector Perspective Note: During a half day session we recommend 2 x provocations. Please delete applicable videos to suit your session Accompanying slides available in pack for handouts Mark looks at what is needed in governance terms to make British companies sustainable wealth creators. He seeks to redefine the changing world and look and how this can effect businesses, what he sees changing and the assumption that all businesses need to challenge in order to govern well. He discusses the questions: What’s changing in the private sector – and what never changes? Examples relevant to Healthy Cities? What assumptions are we making? What’s the best language for describing the future agenda?
Mark Goyder Video here… If you have internet access and would prefer to stream Mark’s video during your event, copy and paste the below link in to your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDfZcjbIPZs&feature=youtu.be Or you can download Mark’s video from http://www.londonleadershipacademy.nhs.uk/healthycitytools
Myron E. Rogers Provocation 4: Leading across systems Founding partner, The Phillips Kay Partnership LLP Provocation 4: Leading across systems Accompanying slides available in pack for handouts Myron discusses the theory and application of complexity and living systems approaches for generating the capacity for change in complex organisations. He introduces the phrase ‘Culture eats strategy’ describing how unpredictable and difficult culture change initiatives can be to plan and manage. He challenges us to think about identity of a business in regards to their systems and approaches and how this needs to be what we do, not what we say we’ll do.
Myron Rogers Video here… Note: During a half day session we recommend 2 x provocations. Please delete applicable videos to suit your session Accompanying slides available in pack for handouts If you have internet access and would prefer to stream Myron’s video during your event, copy and paste the below link in to your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzLfPpvGRMQ&feature=youtu.be Or you can download Myron’s video from http://www.londonleadershipacademy.nhs.uk/healthycitytools
Refreshment Break
Open Space Discussions Set up chairs in a circle (or in concentric circles) leaving space in the centre. Label one wall OFFERS and another NEWS, and have blank sheets of paper, pens and sticky tack/tape to hand. Explain the theme and the process (where to put things up and find out what is happening, the Law of Two Feet and the Principles of Open Space.) Invite anyone who cares about an issue within the theme to step into the middle of the circle and write their topic and name, and post this to the OFFER wall, announcing it as they do. They will become conveners with responsibility for facilitating their discussions and reporting to the NEWS wall. You may want to suggest some topics here to get starts, for example systems leadership and/or city mega trends. This is repeated (using one sheet per topic), for as many topics as the group identifies until there are no more offers that the group wants to make. The Open Space Facilitator should then invite people to sign up for what they are interested in and take responsibility for joining the relevant conveners, using the Law of Two Feet. People participate in discussions, lead by the conveners and overseen by the Open Space Facilitator. Providing an appropriate amount of time for reflection (depending on group size), ask the group to end their discussions and create a report for the NEWS wall which shares highlights, "ah-ha" moments and key learning. Bring the group back to the circle and in a dialogue format (simply listening to what people have to offer without discussion – some facilitators use a "talking stick" here), ask for contributions to summarise discussions. Remember to keep a record of the individual and group discussions to be shared with the group afterwards.
World Café
Reflections and Closing Comments -Where we started the day -What we’ve learned -Key findings from the Open Space and World Café discussions -What we have pledged to do differently -Next steps