Humidity The absolute humidity is the mass of the water vapor in a given volume of air or gas. It’s unit of measurement is grams per cubic meter
Relative Humidity Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in a volume of air compared to the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature Saturation: a condition in which the amounts of precipitation and condensation are equal Varies with temperature Expressed as a percentage Relative humidity=(actual amount of water/total amount the air can hold) X 100
Dew Point As the temperature rises, the amount of water vapor the air holds also rises. If the temperature cools, the atmosphere cannot hold as much water. When this happens, the water vapor leaves the air in the form of liquid water, this is called dew. Dew point- when the water vapor turns to liquids Varies each day and from place to place Depends on the temperature and amount of water in the air
Human Perception Dew Human Perception Over 80°F Severely high. Even deadly for asthma related 75-80°F Extremely uncomfortable 70-74°F Very humid, quite uncomfortable 65-69°F Somewhat uncomfortable for most people at upper edge 60-64°F OK for most, but all perceive the humidity as being high 55-59°F Comfortable 50-54°F Very comfortable Under 50°F A bit dry for some