5th Grade Reading Mrs. M.E. Bernhardt
My Expectations of you: To become independent learners To make meaningful life connections To gain greater insight, self awareness To learn importance of self reflection
Rules Follow all School Rules Come prepared Respect self Respect “THY NEIGHBOR” Raise Hand to Speak
Structure of class : Active calmness/Prayer Silent Reading (implement Daily Read Practice) -- *Bring free read book & Journaling Reading/Literature unit Reflection – back of notebook
Procedures Enter Classroom Respectfully Sit in assigned desk at time –group or individual rows Raise hand to speak Pair Share/ partner on side Group Work - either 4, 5 or 6 - you will have a visual
Grading : Weekly Reading Grades – journal responses in Black notebook Name, Journal # your locker # **(if absent make up) Check calendar on wall Silent reading– teacher monitored Group Projects Test, quizzes Book projects Comprehension Tests
Organize black reading notebook Journal Section You will have journal topics Topic sentence 5 supporting sentences Closing sentence Reading Section / Class Notes
Journal #1: Discuss meaning as whole class Listen to Song “Titanium” Create Bubble Map or any Thinking Map to describe you; explaining your traits (adjectives) OR ….List 5 positive character traits about YOURSELF! Reflection Question (answer in back of notebook) Date and locker # class/class letter Why is it important for you to know your strengths and good qualities?
“Titanium” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UlRIbpYTwk
BIO POEM Review yesterday – Reflection about self 14 line poem… due Tuesday to share Monday, writing assessment on free read book
Review of Elements of Fiction Summer Read Books were Fiction Plot, Setting, Protagonist, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View are the main elements which fiction writers use to develop a story and its Theme.
PLOT - structure of incidents in a literary work Setting - The time and place of a literary work that establish its context Protagonist - The main character of a literary work Conflict – struggle in story ; internal and/or external Symbol – An object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself Point of View - perspective from which story is told Theme- Main idea of story or work of literature
In a Cooperative Group: Stand up in a corner of the room for the summer book you read: Chrensaw The Doublecross: Ellie’s Story Finding Serendipity Flunked Fort Genius Files (1) I Survived True Stories Shiloh Ratscalibur The Terrible Two