Internet of Things: State of the Art Vivek Ghule Department of Computer Engineering Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, India ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION IoT ARCHITECTURE PROPOSED SYSTEM In this paper we present Internet of Things (IoT) in a wider context. The fundamental concept of IoT is the interconnection and communication of things that we everyday use so that they can take smart decisions themselves. In this paper, we describe the generic architecture of IoT and the key components of Internet of Things. In addition to that, we state the major application domain where the Internet of Things will play a crucial role. Then we talk about the different IoT technologies and find the gap between them, which needs to be bridged so as to bring IoT in practice. We grow up interacting with physical objects (Things) around us. There are an enormous number of objects we everyday use like Toaster, Refrigerator, Smart Phones, Water taps, Fan, Air-conditioners etc. The fundamental concept of IoT is interconnecting these objects (things) using virtual or real connectivity and let these devices communicate with each other so that they operate smartly. For example Thermostat and Air-conditioner are two devices; IoT makes them to communicate with each other in such a way that Air- conditioner will be controlled on the current temperature sensed by the thermostat; this will lead efficient usage of the device. The concept of IoT can be summarized as the pervasive presence of surrounding to us with a variety of "things" or "objects", such like Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones, which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact with each other and cooperate with their neighboring "smart" components to reach common goals [3]. At present we consider Institutions and Organizations as an application Domain for IoT and we are proposing an IoT framework for them. Our motive behind incorporating IoT in this domain is to optimize the utilization of organizational resources like electrical power, water, and parking space. Major challenges associated with IoT for organization is formation of network of large number of publically accessed devices with low bandwidth, and less power efficient radios. We are working on dynamic addressing scheme which will reduce the packet size up to great extent which will address the problem of unscalable and power efficient device network. CONCLUSIONS Rapid development in the field of information and communication technology puts the concept of IoT up to great extent. In this IoT paradigm, each and every device in our surrounding gets connected to each other to form a giant network of things. This facilities the use of devices anytime, anywhere by anyone. When we say anyone we mean authenticate the entity. IoT will be considered as a crucial component in the future internet. In this paper, we present the brief idea about IoT. We define conceptual architectural components of a generic IoT. This open issue of IoT is still waiting for suitable solutions. IoT is in the beginning phase of development, there is the vast future scope of research in areas like embedded systems, networking, big data, data mining, embedded operating systems, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Figure 1. Generic Architecture of IoT. IoT ARCHITECTURE IoT APPLICATION DOMAIN One of the hurdles with IoT is that it is such broad concept that there is no standard uniform reference architecture for it till now. The IoT system consists of the variety of heterogeneous sensors, network, communication methodologies and processing technologies, but integrating these different types of technologies, the problem of interoperability arises. To address the problem of interoperability, there must be standardized IoT architecture. REFERENCES COMPONENTS OF IoT CONTACT J. Gubbi, R. Buyya, S. Marusic, and M. Palaniswami, “Internet of Things ( IoT ): A vision , architectural elements , and future directions,” Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1645–1660, 2013. P. Fremantle and P. Scott, “A security survey of middleware for the Internet of Things PrePrints,” 2015. L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito, “The Internet of Things : A survey,” Comput. Networks, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 2787–2805, 2010. Micrium Last accessed: November 2015. S. Agrawal, “A survey on Internet of Things ∗,” 2013. Vivek Ghule Department of Computer Engineering Vishwakarma Institute of Info. Tech. Pune, India Website: IoT devices (Things) Operating System for IoT Devices Local networking and IoT protocol Stack Cloud Environment Figure 2. Applications of IoT. There are ample of applications of IoT. IoT mainly deals with the things present in our surroundings. Conceptually IoT can be applicable in every real life domain. In future, nearly in all domains IoT will be incorporated.