Mastering Questioning Techniques Peter Rosenwald Director Chartered Developments
What Can Questions do? Close deals Get you out of trouble Can you see any reason why we shouldn’t do this? Get you out of trouble You must have had a terribly bad experience to bite my head off like that what happened? Lead people in the right direction Who likes chocolates?
Who Likes Chocolates?
I Want People Engaged with the Conversation Rather Than Turn Into
A Typical Meeting with a Prospect First impression Meet Again Winding up Being nice Preparation Kick it off Explain the practice Gain agreement For next action Questioning in detail. Get them talking on the right subject. Ball park solutions & fees Recap
7 Questions to Ask Yourself What is the need / problem Why is the problem a problem What outcomes/results do they want Which are the highest priority What solutions can we offer What result will each solution produce Which solution is best
Questioning Funnels People start talking Catalyst questions Other open questions & chatting about their situation or business Probing questions Get nosey, ‘what happened & why’ Problems appear Detail & needs priorities Create a want question ‘do you want to do something about this?’ Wants or desired outcomes
Architect of Needs Service Name of the Service Advantage All the benefits that anyone in any situation could gain from the service Situation What situation someone would need to be in for the advantage to be of value Question A question, or a list of questions to uncover whether any of the situations exists
Architect of Needs Service Advantage Situation Question EMI Focus on profit Greater profit > Business value Loyalty Less turnover of staff Lower recruitment Retains clients Less training Retains / secrets Situation Managers don’t focus on profit Wants to sell Falling profits High recruitment costs Clients left in the past or here is a fear Wants to beat competition etc Question “I was hoping you could tell me about those key staff members who you think can have the greatest effect on profit and maybe explain their responsibilities?
Waltons the Motor Dealers I was hoping you could tell me about those key staff members who you think can have the greatest influence on profit, and maybe explain their responsibilities? How will their jobs be influenced when you open the new site? How do they feel about this? Can I bring you back to something you said about Godfrey which was to get him to think more about profit, can you explain that?
Waltons the Motor Dealers So he doesn’t focus on profit? But you’d like him to? On another thought what would be the effect of either of these two leaving and possibly going to a competitor? So, finding a way of binding them into Waltons and focussing on profit is something you would like to investigate? And if anything could be done, you would want to do so before you open the new site?
Building Catalyst Questions (FLAG) I was hoping you could tell me (Two questions in one) about those key staff members who you think can have the greatest influence on profit and maybe explain their responsibilities?”
Open How What Why And some people suggest which, I think it’s a bit weak
Catalyst Question Flags I was hoping you could tell me… Could you please explain… Do you mind just giving me an idea… I’d be interested to know…
A Fabulous Catalyst Question Out of interest I was hoping you could tell me what changes you’ve recently seen in the industry and how they are affecting your business?
Conclusion Funnels Architect of Needs Catalyst Questions
Chartered Developments Pete is responsible for Chartered Developments sales & marketing strategy, in addition, he applies those skills in sales management. Pete began his career selling office equipment in the 80’s before working in the City. He then started an accountancy firm in the early 90’s before founding Chartered Developments in 1997. Chartered Developments’ Services Lead Generation Data Win/Loss Surveys Email Campaigns Marketing CRM LinkedIn Consultancy Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn Or