SR1 extension follow up 09-Oct-17 Marco Ciapetti
Introduction Insulation problem of concrete slab External windows requirement from HSE CV problems (rear concrete slab + conflicts with mechanical structure) Ceiling reinforcement Various updates Current status of the project Updated schedule Things to be decided
Insulation problem of concrete slab L’OCEN (Office Cantonale de l‘ENergie) denied the derogation request asked for the SR1 extension because not enough insulation was present in the concrete slab (no compliance with the Swiss law) The absence of this thermal insulation layer is due to the presence of the “gallery” below the slab SMB wanted to compensate the thermal insulation of the floor, with a thicker insulation layer on walls and ceiling, but the EN-CV consultant (Amstein) verified that it is not enough and proposed to insulate the “gallery” below. On 02/10/2017 EN-CV and TC went in the gallery and verified that adding a further insulation layer is not easy and it would decrease too much the height of the gallery. Furthermore, the “gallery” is in reality a concrete ventilation duct during winter will warm up the floor and during summer will cool down, therefore in general the less insulation, the better With this new input Amstein made a new calculation assuming a 20°C fixed temperature. The result was (barely) compliant with the Swiss law. It has been decided to submit again to OCEN the new documentation and wait for their reply
External windows requirement from HSE The request of HSE for natural lighting in the cleanroom has been denied for the following reasons: It arrived too late when the material for the external walls of the building already was at CERN (currently the main façade is already installed) The building permit has been signed without windows and no comments have been made Window will reduce the room on the wall dedicated to equipment, devices, services, etc. (the previous layout clearly showed this point) Some specific activities requiring extreme precision can be penalized by direct natural lighting. No specification on the size of the windows has been given by HSE SMB proposed to install transparent emergency doors, which will provide some natural lighting. This proposal was not commented by HSE Valentin
Rear concrete slab for CV structure An extension of the concrete slab behind SR1 (below the current smoke extractor) is needed by EN-CV for the installation of the pre-treatment device. A separator is just below and the access must be kept free. On 02/10/2017 SMB, EN-CV, EN-EL and TC met in situ to discuss a find a solution. A proposal was agreed and SMB is now verifying the technical feasibility Status? EN-CV proposed also a back-up solution (T.B.D.)
Conflicts between CV ducts and structure 1 2 All the conflicts regarding the outlet ducts (yellow) are now solved. Conflicts regarding the inlet ducts (Blue) could not be solved and therefore EN-CV made a new proposal (see next slide)
New proposal for CV inlet duct The blue duct now is not crossing anymore the room over the ceiling, but below the floor The big mobile sink has been temporarily disconnected and displaced The position of the lighting units must be updated Two proposals for the encapsulation of the ducts (see next slides)
Proposal 1 for CV inlet duct encapsulation No encapsulation Encapsulation V1 Completely close into the wall the ducts and the reinforcement of the metallic structure The opening for grounding must be displaced by 700mm (agreed with EN-EL) Better from a cleanroom point of view Bigger surface lost in the cleanroom (3.78 m2) Acceptable?
Proposal 2 for CV inlet duct encapsulation No encapsulation Encapsulation V2 Only the duct and the central cross of the metallic structure are encapsulated The opening for grounding can stay where it was proposed by EN-EL Worse for cleanliness point of view (inclined surfaces can collect the dust) Smaller surface lost in the cleanroom (2.77 m2) from 2.3m from the floor (no reduction on the floor
Cleanroom ceiling reinforcement Actual test area Radiation lab Existing cleanroom According to SMB calculations, MAX 2 people can work on the ceiling in the same panel/point Future extension Scaffolding have been installed on 27/09/2017 as schematically shown in the picture above. They will be in place until the end of the works (or until the replacement of the existing ceiling (with a walkable one)
Various updates On 27/10/2017 the reinforcement scaffolding for cleanroom ceiling have been mounted. On Monday October 9th (today) there will be a power cut from 13:00 to 17:00 in order to remove the power boxes from the wall to be demolished. On Monday October 9th (today) it is also foreseen to move AFP material to bldg. 175. Before the end of Thursday October 12th the Ethernet sockets will be removed by IT-CS The cleanroom “cleaning” is almost complete. The wall to be demolished should be completely free before October 13th.
Current status of the project SMB completed the installation of the mechanical structure. The installation of the roof and walls is nearly completed The ramp to grant the vehicles access into SR1 building is foreseen for mid of October (T.B.C.) The removal of the external existing wall is foreseen for mid of October
Updated Schedule Jun 2017: SMB started civil engineering works Jul 2017: SMB prepare the foundations Aug 2017: SMB install the concrete slab and the ramp Sep 2017: SMB started the installation of the mechanical steel structure Oct 2017: SMB completed the installation of the external mechanical steel structure and started the installation of external walls and roof. SMB will remove the external existing wall of the building. SMB will install the temporary partition wall (1m from existing wall). EN-EL and IT-CS will remove the cables running on the wall to be dismounted (in between the wall and the building wall) in progress Nov 2017: SMB should remove the internal wall of the current cleanroom. CV should start removing the existing components (stop the ventilation for 6 months) Dec 2017: target for ending SMB works (end of the month) Jan 2018: TC should start installing the internal clean room extension Mar 2018: EN-CV should start working on the HVAC system installation. EN-EL, IT-CS should also start working Apr 2018: target for ending clean room extension installation and commissioning May 2018: target for ending ducts and HVAC system. IT-CS and BE-ICS should complete their commissioning Jun 2018: EN-CV should complete the commissioning Jul 2018: target for commissioning the SR1 clean room extension
Things to be decided SMB is supposed to make the ESD flooring before Christmas, but the floor then must be protected during the installation of other WPs. Is it possible to postpone? Pierre The proposal of 25 Ethernet sockets has been agreed by the Users, but TC should give the final green light Ludo The position of the Ethernet sockets still has to be proposed by IT-CS Leszek Amount of ITk cables and services needed by the user (total cross section, distribution, occupancy of the cable trays, etc.) Kendall, Petr, Susanne The previous point depends on the foreseen layout still not known in detail Kendall Path for general cables and services Thierry
SR1 cleanroom extension – WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) ATLAS Requirements ATLAS ITk-IBL Project Management ATLAS TC Procurement WP1: Civil Engineering CERN: SMB WP2: Cooling and Ventilation CERN: EN-CV WP3: Electrical Installations CERN: EN-EL WP4: Cleanroom Internal Envelope WP5: IT CERN: IT-CS WP6: Fire Detection CERN: BE-ICS WP7: Rails CERN: EN-HE-HM Commissioning Safety CERN: HSE-SEE
SR1 cleanroom extension – OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure) Project board: Ludovico Pontecorvo (163664) – ATLAS Technical Coordinator Siegfried Wenig (163865) – ATLAS ExGlimos Marco Ciapetti (169451) – Project Manager Safety: Valentin Algoet (167993) – HSE-SEE representative John Robert Etheridge (164647) – P1 Safety Coordinator WP1: Civil Engineering (SMB-SE) Pierre Cardon (167840) WP2: Cooling and Ventilation (EN-CV) Alexandre Joel Broche (166078) WP3: Electrical Installations (EN-EL) Thierry Charvet (162352) WP4: Cleanroom Internal Envelope (EP-ADO) Marco Ciapetti (169451) WP5: IT (IT-CS) Leszek Borakiewicz (169195) WP6: Fire Detection (BE-ICS) Denis Raffourt (163219) WP7: Rails (EN-HE-HM) Roberto Rinaldesi (166379) Users: Kendall Reeves (162808) on behalf of ATLAS ITk Didier Ferrere (160515) on behalf of ATLAS IBL
SR1 cleanroom extension – PBS (Product Breakdown Structure) WP1: Civil Engineering (SMB-SE) Pierre Cardon (167840) Design + permits + Study Excavation Networks modification Ground flattering + Foundations Concrete slab installation Rails trenches filling with concrete Material procurement for steel structure Mechanical steel structure Walls and ceiling extension Temp protection wall installation Removal of the existing ext wall Removal of the existing int wall Flooring (ESD) Finishing and Commissioning WP2: Cooling and Ventilation (EN-CV) Alexandre Joel Broche (166078) Design Existing components removal Electrical cubicles /cabinets removal Smoke extractor removal Existing ducts removal Material procurement New components installation Electrical cubicles /cabinets installation Ducts installation Commissioning WP3: Electrical Installations (EN-EL) Thierry Charvet (162352) Current cables removal New switchboard construction New switchboard installation Cables Installation Lights/Switches/Sockets installation WP4: Cleanroom Internal Envelope (EP-ADO) Marco Ciapetti (169451) Market Survey + Invitation to Tender Internal partitioning walls/doors installation Mechanical structure, installation Walls/ceiling/door installation R-C04-B ceiling installation (lowering) Cable trays/pillars covering WP5: IT (IT-CS) Leszek Borakiewicz (169195) Cables installation Routers/Sockets installation WP6: Fire Detection (BE-ICS) Denis Raffourt (163219) Services installation Detectors installation WP7: Rails (EN-HE-HM) Roberto Rinaldesi (166379) Rails installation
Safety coordinator John Robert Etheridge (164647) is the safety coordinator of P1. He will help TC to ensure that all the works will be done according to the CERN safety rules. For all WPs, a VIC shall be prepared after the design phase and presented by the responsible of each WP to the safety coordinator before starting the works. John is invited to this follow-up meeting so that he can be informed about on-going activities and can control that all foreseen/incoming activities are properly planned from the safety point of view.
Various solved / agreed points Susanne re-checked (04/07/2017) and the foreseen future consumption is around 6 kW. Calculation was updated by Alex. Pierre presented the SMB VIC to the safety coordinator on 12/07/2017. During the HVAC stop, EN-CV will supply the temporary AHU Trane TSH060 (ordered from November 2017 to June 2018 to be sure to cover the whole period). The device will be stored outside with the duct(s) inside the new room R-C04-A. The R-C014 (rad lab) will be cooled by opening the lateral door, as agreed before. Additional costs will be charged to TC.
CV balance sheet for power dissipation UIAC-00262 Installé Simultané Pn [kW] In [A] Description L1 L2 L3 Simult. Type démarrage I démarrage [A] Commentaires AHU UACV1-00222 Ventilateur 18.5 35 1 Variateur 1,5xIn Batterie électrique 32 46.2 Tracage électrique batterie EG 0.41 1.5 N.A. AHU UARJ-00040 Ventilateur extraction 5.5 11 Ventilateur pulsion 0.75 1.7 5 7.2 Circulateur eau chaude 0.124 1.02 1.07 3.9 Tracage électrique batterie EC Ventilo convecteur no. 1 0.09 0.71 Ventilo convecteur no. 2 Armoire de contrôle UIAO-00262 6.5 Total - par phase 63 108 106 Total - phase la plus chargée Total + 30 % 82 141 Alimentation 160A 3P+N+E depuis les services généraux Eclairage centrales de traitement d'air 2 départs 10A + différentiel 30 mA depuis les services généraux Updated on 15/08/2017
Cable trays and enclosures ACCEPTED
Antistatic floor of the extension SMB proposed the following flooring solution: A first layer (primer) made of: Sikafloor 161 A middle layer (with antistatic properties): Sikafloor 220 W Conductive (RG: 103 ≤ R ≤ 104 Ω) An upper layer (protective and ESD): Sikafloor 262 AS N (RG≤ 106 Ω) According to Sylvain, the proposed solution is more than enough for the purposes of the cleanroom. Users agreed to this proposal (see email from Kendall on 10/09/2017) SMB can proceed with this solution ACCEPTED
Position of the permanent fan coils for R-C04-A Left Right ACCEPTED Dimensions of each unit: Width: 1600mm Height: 700mm Depth: 300mm This will be removed by EN-CV To be displaced by the users To be displaced by the users EN-CV will dismount the current grills (when possible/useful). The two proposed locations for the fan coils of the permanent AHU in the test room are shown in the above pictures. They have been approved by Kendall on 16/08/2017 and by Didier on 21/08/2017.
Opening for temporary AHU in R-C04-A Inside Outside ACCEPTED 500x500 mm2 500x500 mm2 EN-CV needs to open a hole of about 50 cm x 50 cm to install the duct for the temporary AHU in the test room. The proposed location of the hole is shown in the pictures above. It has been approved by Didier on 21/08/2017
Temporary AHU in R-C04-A More details and information about the TSH060 unit can be found here This temporary AHU will be placed outside SR1 (back side) to supply fresh air (hot and cold) in the test room (R-C04-A). The unit will be in use from November 2017 to June 2018.
Electrical matters Current 160A switchboard will be replaced by a 250A switchboard (maximum possible considering actual electrical consumption, future general needs and current transformer capacity). The order for the new switchboard has been sent on 07/07/2017. Total cost is ≈35kCHF According to Thierry calculations (see email of 30/06/0217) a maximum of six 380V-32A sockets can be used simultaneously in exceptional cases: 4 devices running on 380V-32A sockets can work at the same time with no constraints It should be possible to add 2 more temporary Grounding works are completed
Electrical study Thierry completed the preliminary study for WP3: Regarding lighting, he propose to add 36 of this LED lights: The lights will be installed below the ceiling (as they are now) and not embedded into the ceiling. The cost estimation is: ≈10 kCHF (cabling excluded) In case the ceiling is lowered, new lights will be needed. The additional estimation is done for: Disconnection and removing existing lights Buying new lights (33 units) Connexion and fixing new lights (using existing cables) ≈10 kCHF Regarding sockets boxes, the job will be done in two steps: 1) disconnecting cables and removing existing boxes; 2) installation of boxes on metal pillars and connection of cables (after the external wall will be dismounted) 1 or 2 hours of power cuts will occur
Existing socket boxes Currently, there are several sockets boxes on the external wall in existing room. Position 1 : 3 boxes with 400V - 4x16A socket (x2). 2 boxes with 230V – 2x10A (CH) socket (x4). One on UPS network. 1 box with 230V – 2x16A (CE) socket (x2). Position 2 : No need to reuse these, but in case they can be added on the pillars (opposite to the requested boxes)
Position of power boxes in SR1 cleanroom ACCEPTED
Position of the openings for grounding 4 openings (one at each corner) have been requested (by Thierry on 30/05/2017) on the sandwich panels of the walls in order to install and access the grounding loop. On 24/08/2017 Thierry sent the following picture ACCEPTED 1100 mm Tolerance regarding dimensions in red is ± 0.5 m
Schedule for ITk Pixel tests in SR1 April-August 2017: test of prototype with one full cooling line ~375 W in SR1 (August 2017) September 2017: commissioning of system setup in SR1 (power needed, few days of outage can be discussed, CO2 partially needed for commissioning) October-November 2017: assembly of prototype in SR1 (power and CO2 needed, days of outage can be discussed) November 2017-November 2018: systematic evaluation of demonstrator in SR1, dedicated test bench for comparison of DAQ, readouts, powering, cooling (power and CO2 needed). Short periods of outage can be discussed: a possible solution is to run power extension cables from the nearest building, if needed(tbc)
Schedule for ITk Strips tests in SR1 April-September 2017: Testing of pre and post irradiated modules in SR1 + Testing cold (-35°C) with chiller September-December 2017: assembly of parts for system test setup for a Strip Stave in SR1 January-November 2018: Commissioning of system tests of a stave (CO2 cooling, interlock, DCS, DAQ, cabling) As agreed with Susanne and Jens, short periods of outage can be discussed
New requirements DRAFT cost estimation SMB subject Technical impact Extra cost estimates New opening (WIDTH = 2.8m, HEIGHT = 3.5m) Update of the steel structure design (drawing + calculation note) Supply and installation of the “door” 2000CHF 15000CHF 2 new rails in the concrete slab Update of the concrete structure design (drawing + calculation note) Supply and installation of the rails 1500CHF 30000CHF 18 945.00€ (≈20000CHF) New exterior concrete slab (8m*3m) concrete structure design (drawing + calculation note) Civil engineering works 1000CHF 9600CHF ≈50 kCHF NOTE: A new work package have been created (WP7: “rails”). It is managed by Roberto Rinaldesi (EN-HE) and it will take in account the supply and installation of the rails. WP1 “civil engineering” (SMB) will managed the 2 necessary trenches 400mm x 70mm and pouring of non-shrink grout
Ceiling Lowering A rough cost estimate has been asked to ER2i and STIC (ER2i did not do a survey, while STIC came and studied the situation): ER2i STIC Assumptions: no intervention is foreseen on electricity (drillings and cuttings are included, but not the equipment, lightings…) No dismantling of the existing ceiling CERN shall remove first cable trays Rough cost estimation: Handling structure: 32 K€ PU ceiling, 80 mm thickness: 48 k€ Cuttings / drillings: 6 k€ Survey, lifting, project management: 10 k€ Assumptions: Lighting is quoted separately Ceiling will have a rigid structure that allows one person to work on it No dismantling of the existing ceiling CERN shall remove first cable trays Rough cost estimation: Handling + structure + sandwich panels + scaffolding: 63 K€ Lighting embedded in the ceiling (60 units LED): 25 k€ 96 k€ 88 k€ TC will add the ceiling lowering of the existing part (not the radiation lab) as an option in the TS for the internal envelope
Proposal for openings to access the ceiling NOT NEEDED: ACCESS CAN BE DONE FROM OUTSIDE
Pillar to be removed ACCEPTED ≈6 m ≈ 12 m ≈ 6 m
Taken decisions Services cannot arrive from below the fake floor into the pillars: pillars do not go through the fake floor, but they are loading the concrete floor. Openings are present in the concrete floor, but far away from the pillars. The only possible solution is to run the cables over the ceiling and enter from there into the enclosures. Cable trays and enclosures shall not cross the rails in order not to lower the ceiling in the assembly region. The users required to have a minimum height of the ceiling of 3.7 m The option of lowering the current ceiling (panels are 4.15m high) has been discarded
Taken decisions The clean room will be ISO 8 according to ISO 14644-1 All cable trays shall be covered WP3 (EN/EL) will take care of all the cable trays related to main electrical services, while WP4 (TC) will take care of the cable trays for electrical controls. Users shall specify their needs ASAP ESD precaution will be obtained with mats, people grounding and NO new antistatic floor is foreseen in the radiation lab The SR1 radiation lab can be used by ITk tasks, but needs to be cleared with 1-2 months notice in case of TC/detector needs during EYETS
Taken decisions 13 power boxes will be installed by EN/EL. One power box at each of the 4 pillars between existing room and extension (the central pillar will be removed) and one power box every 3-4 m on the wall (evenly distributed). Each power box shall have at least: 4x 220V - 16A (CH standard) 1x 400V - 32A Local differential switch for each sockets group (one for 4 sockets 230V-16A and one for socket 400V-32A) 2 existing sockets boxes will be kept on UPS network (in the pillars area). No additional sockets on UPS network are required Existing UPS network details: 100kVA lasting approx 10 minutes at 80kW (see email from Thierry sent on 28/06/2017) Lighting will provide the same illumination of the actual clean room (≈400 lux) Type of lights: LED (to minimize the maintenance)
Taken decisions EN-CV will switch off the air conditioning and ventilation for at least 6 months (schedule should meet SMB’s one) EN-EL will switch off the electricity for small periods of time (schedule should meet global schedule and users’ schedule) Overpressure targets: Overpressure of extended clean room (R-C04-B) is ≥15 Pa Overpressure of radiation lab (R-C14) is ≥15 Pa No overpressure in the test zone (R-C04-A), changing room (R-202), other areas Overpressures of R-C04-B and R-C14 can be manually regulated in order to create slight overpressure of the clean room over the radiation lab if needed
Will be removed before starting Taken decisions The proposal of extending the changing room R-202 by ≈1m has been accepted. The drawings have been modified To be removed Will be removed before starting ≈1 m
Taken decisions Eric agreed on 16/05/2017 Two rails are required to drive the coaxial installation of the ITk. These rails will be: 2 different rails, one flat and the other with a V shape (see drawings from Roberto) Parallel to the extension long side (centered wrt the opening) 36m long and 2m apart ending 7.5m outside the building Embedded into the floor No particular tolerances have been added (default tolerances are considered) There will be a 3m x 8m concrete slab that will host the outside rails and will create a flat area (currently there is a slope) at the same level of the inner floor SMB shall update the design of the concrete slab Eric agreed on 16/05/2017
Taken decisions Eric agreed on 16/05/2017 An additional door has been required on the North-East-short-side wall of the extension, to ease the extraction of the ITk assembly. SMB will design an opening (2.8m wide and 3.5m high) centered in the N-E short side of the extension . This opening will be closed with a removable wall (not with an external door). This removable wall can be removed using a crane. The cleanroom will have a correspondent opening of the same dimensions and will present either an internal double door or another system to guarantee the sealing. Eric agreed on 16/05/2017
Cooling and Ventilation stop The stop of CV system for at least 6 month announced by EN-CV and due to the replacement of the AHU and upgrade of the CV system will cause major problems in the ID test area Didier, Anatoli and Dave agree that during such a long stop of the air conditioning, the test cannot be performed A solution has been discussed among Didier, Alex and myself. It has been presented to all involved people and it has been agreed (see next slide)
Temporary solution for R-C04-A during CV stop The main points which have been agreed from both parties are listed below: EN-CV will switch off at first only the portion of the system close to the demolished wall (where they have to work), keeping on the system on the other side of the cleanroom (test area and radiation lab). This will lower at the minimum the amount of time people working in SR1 are affected from the CV stop. To grant fresh air (especially when the R-C04-A will be divided from R-C04-B), the upper door above the emergency door of R-C04-A can be kept open (see attached file). Being an internal building (building into a building), the SR1 cleanroom should not have huge problems regarding the temperature. Especially in winter time and considering the power dissipated into the test area, the temperature should not drop drastically. Anyway, just to be sure to have always acceptable working conditions, one or two mobile inverter air conditioner can be provided (the cost estimate is roughly around 3-4 kCHF each) so that also people in the radiation lab can adjust the temperature in their working area. Alexandre will add these points (even if they are related to a temporary solution) into the “Upgrade of SR1 clean room” document prepared by him and circulated for approval.