Docking Can Be Pleasurable, but Beware of Male organ Pain


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Presentation transcript:

Docking Can Be Pleasurable, but Beware of Male organ Pain By John Dugan

As all men know, the male organ is a resilient source of incredible and ecstatic pleasure, but some activities may also produce a bit of male organ pain if not practiced carefully. Many men engage in the practice known as male organ docking or male docking (or simply docking). For most of these men, docking is both a source of enormous physical sensations and a unique bonding experience with another man; to get the most out of it, men will need to make sure they practice appropriate male organ care along the way.

What is docking? Docking is a sensual activity involving two men, at least one of which must be uncut. In docking, two men stand across from each other in a firm state. The tips of their male organs meet and touch; in many cases, frottage would ensue at this point, but the docking enthusiast takes a slightly different route.

If only one of the pair is intact, he then rolls back his prepuce, revealing the naked glans; if both are intact, they both retract the prepuces. Then the prepuce of one man is rolled back over his glans and stretched across so that the other man’s male organ is also covered by the prepuce. If both men are intact, the other man then releases his prepuce. A form of mutual pleasuring then begins, with the prepuce or prepuces rolling back and forth over each male organ, or with male organs thrusting against each other inside the prepuce. For men with very stretched and commodious prepuces, the goal is to engulf as much of the other man’s male organ as possible.

Not just a gay activity While this may strike many men as a very odd or even distasteful activity, many other men find it thrillingly sensual and report that the pleasure achieved via this method is intensely powerful.   As might be expected, docking is thought to be practiced more frequently among men who are male-oriented; however, there seem to be a considerable number of straight men who have docked with another man. This is perhaps more common among teen-agers, but it is not unheard of for two straight adult males to dock. Think of it as the ultimate expression of bromance.

Preparation can be important Not every uncut man is capable of enjoying the docking experience. Certainly those whose prepuces are especially tight or are shorter in length will have a more difficult time docking than those whose prepuces are much looser (whether by nature or by active stretching) and who enjoy a bit of extra length in the skin department.   It’s also essential that both male organs involved be properly lubricated before embarking on a docking expedition. Some men report that pre-emission fluid is sufficient for this activity; others definitely require the use of a proper lubricant on both the accommodating male organ and the male organ that is invited in as the guest of the prepuce.

Side effects Clearly, the man whose prepuce is containing both male organs may find his prepuce has become sore from overstretching. The potential for tearing is present, so care must be taken to avoid any damage. In addition, there is always the possibility of spreading a communicable disease or a yeast infection.   Because the male organ is so sensitive, docking can also result in rashes, itching or other skin irritation. And, of course, overaggressive male organ play on the part of one or both participants can result in plain old male organ pain.

Fortunately, a sore male organ or one that is rashy or itchy, can be aided through the use of a high quality male organ health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Whether docking or not, regular use of such a formula keeps the male organ in prime health; the desired formula will include an agreeable moisturizing ingredient such as vitamin E, as well as a high end natural emollient like shea butter. In addition, those formulas that also feature the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid can help avoid the aging process that sets in early in many male organ skin cells.