Reported Speech
Say vs. tell Say sth. to sb: I said to him I said to the reporter Tell sb. Sth : I told him I told the reporter
Reported speech No quotation marks (“) Personal pronouns and possessives ‘ I enjoyed the book’, said my brother. My brother said that he had enjoyed the book. Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives this that these those Adverbs of place here there
Tense change Tense change if reporting verb in past. ‘ I’m going to the concert,’ he says. He says he is going to the concert. ‘ I’m going to the concert,’ he said He said he was going to the concert
Tense change No Tense change If reporting verb is present , future. ‘ I’m going to the concert,’ he says. He says he is going to the concert. If the statement is still true ‘You always tell lies’ He said I always tell lies.
Tense changes Present s. Past s. Present c. Past c. Past s. Past p. Past cont. Past perf. cont. Present p.s. Past p. s. Present p. c. Past Perfect c. Will Would Can Could May Might Must / have to Had to Should should
Time expressions now then, at that time today that day Tonight that night Yesterday the day before/ the previous day the day before yesterday two days before tomorrow the next day / the following day the day after tomorrow two days later next week the next / following week last month the previous month / the month before ten years ago ten years earlier
Questions SVO He asked me how old I was. NO AUXILIARIES Tense change Yes-no questions if / whether Wh questions wh
Question Reporting verbs Ask Question Enquire Wonder Want to know
ASK “ preguntar” He asked me if/ whether / how long … He asked me if I had a brother. “ pedir” ask sb to do sth He asked me to go with him. Tom asked the librarian if he could…
TELL “decir” He told me that he was fine. “ordenar” ( order) He told me to leave. She told her not to turn it off.
SUGGEST -ing He suggested swimming ( let’s swim, why don’t we swim) That SVO (V: past simple, present sub., should) She suggested that he go went should go
Reporting verbs: that svo Say Tell State Claim Admit Suggest Answer Reply Complain Agree Explain Warn Announce Deny Add Promise sb.
VERBS + TO INFINITIVE Offer Refuse Promise Agree Threaten
deny recommend suggest admit VERBS + ING deny recommend suggest admit
Apologize to sb for doing ‘I’m sorry I was late’ Other verbs Apologize to sb for doing ‘I’m sorry I was late’ I apologized for being late. for having been late Accuse sb of doing ‘You broke the window’ They accused me of breaking/ having broken the window Congratulate sb on ‘Well done for passing your exams’ She congratulated me on passing my exams.
VERBS + SB. + ( NOT) TO INFINITIVE Tell order advise persuade Ask remind warn invite Encourage recommend
To sb If we say to whom Say Complain Apologize Explain Suggest