Topic-Animation and sound Submitted to Submitted by- Aashish (Hina mam) Roll no.-1615905 Class – B.Voc(s.d) subject-COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL
WINCHESTER DISK INTRODUCE IN 1973 AS THE MODEL 3340. A type of disk storage device. It is nonremovable or sealed disk pack. Extremely narrow tacks. Winchester disk consist of multiple (two or more) hard disk platters mounted on a single central shaft. The 30-30 storage capacities led to the nickname after the winchester 30-30 rifle.
A lubricant surface that allows the head to rest on the surface during start and stop operation. A winchester disk have limited capaity . The disk had one permanently and one removable spindle ,each holding 30 MB. now winchester disk have large storage capacity due to following reasons:- the upper surface of the topmost platters and lower surface of bottomost platters are used for data recording in a winchester disk . storage capacity of today winchester disks range from a few gigabytes (109 bytes ) to few terabytes (1012 bytes).