Curriculum Presentation 2016-2017 Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Presentation 2016-2017
Introductions and our Backgrounds Patti Mahar - 16 years Lisa Mauger – 9 years Kelly Sanderson – 19 years Bernadette Canfield – 30 years
The Six Day Rotation Is Here! Please refer to the new District calendar to guide you through the new six day rotation. The day number is noted at the at the bottom right corner in a circle. We will be sure to help the children note the day number in their planners.
A Year of Great Developmental Growth Higher expectations for independence Emphasis on organization and responsibility Learning to read, and then reading to learn - reading skills will be applied to learn through expository text (nonfiction) Math skills and concepts continue to develop with a focus on applying learning to use those skills in everyday life – what to do with all those fractions!
Third grade curriculum units: www. thecurricularcorner Third grade curriculum units: – “I Can Statements” Math (with a greater depth of understanding) Multiplication and division (conceptual and fluency) Fractions (comparing and equivalence) Measurement and Data Geometry Writing Narrative Opinion Writing Informational Writing
Third grade curriculum units: Reading Read and understand fiction Read and understand nonfiction Analyze words and use phonics Read fluently Pittsford Reading Units (Retelling-Popular Series, Nonfiction, Folktales) Speaking and Listening I can understand and talk about what I hear I can share what I know
Third grade curriculum units Social Studies Mapping skills Instructional focus on world communities Geography Culture Government Economy Science Cycles in the Sky Magnets
Technology In third grade, students will learn keyboarding. The district expectation is that students will use the proper technique at a rate of five words per minute and achieve 80% accuracy. Typing Pal is the district approved software for keyboarding and is available for home and school use. Students are expected to utilize the approved PCSD websites at home In addition, students will have multiple opportunities each week for using technology
Homework Policy The district policy follows the ten minute rule and the expectation in third grade is for 30 minutes of homework each night. Students should read for 15 minutes each night Math fact practice is crucial for fast, accurate recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts Work should be done neatly in pencil and returned to school via the take-home folder If your child is putting in extra time to complete homework, please notify the classroom teacher.
Celebrations Birthdays If your child wants to celebrate his/her birthday at school, he or she is welcome to bring in a book or game to donate to our class library. If you would like, you may wrap the book and your child can open it in front of the class.
How to Stay Informed District Calendar (testing dates, PTSA forms, school lunch program and vacations) Teacher Website
Classroom Presentations Thank you for your time and attention Please join your teacher in the classroom This presentation is available on teacher websites