Welcome Профессор Stefaan Simons Химическая инженерия UCL Special Advisor on Kazakhstan Honorary Professor, Kazakh National Technical University Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London Химическая инженерия
Collaboration with the Kazakh National Technical University (KazNTU) Began with an EU Tempus Tacis project in 1994, to develop a modern chemical engineering degree at KazNTU, building on existing courses and introducing new ones. Laboratory and computing equipment installed to enhance the teaching and learning process. Computer suite for process plant design donated by the Fluor Foundation in 2005. New project, funded by Tempus IV programme, for curriculum development and international recognition of chemical engineering degrees, involving KazNTU, Eurasian National University (Astana), KNU (Al-Farabi), Novosibirsk State Technical University, Moscow State University, led by UCL.
Programme of Events, 26th February 10.20-11.15 Presentations 11.15 Coffee Break 11.30 Presentation Tour of Centre for CO2 Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering 12.45 LUNCH 14.00-15.45 Tour of Virtual Reality Laboratory 15.45 Wrap-up Session, Professor Michael Worton, Vice-Provost International & Academic 16.15 Tea with Bolashak students 16.45 Depart for Provost’s office with brief stop at Language Laboratory 17.00 Meeting with the President and Provost, Professor Malcolm Grant 17.20 Delegation departs