Problem Solving Updated Jun 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Problem Solving Updated Jun 2016

Objective of Problem Solving Relationship to the OODA Loop Overview Objective of Problem Solving Relationship to the OODA Loop Practical Problem Solving Method 8 Steps Exercise

Objective of Problem Solving Help Airmen focus on problem solving skills that affect: Mission Workcenters People Approach aimed at: Increasing combat capability Making the AF more effective & efficient

Objective of Problem Solving Remove Waste and Inefficiencies Increase: Productivity Asset Availability Improve: Response Time and Agility Energy Efficiency Sustain Safe and Reliable Operations

Relationship to the OODA Loop Four Overlapping & Interacting Processes Observe: Current Situation/ Facts/Known/Unknown Orient: Understand your situation/Set goals Decide: Select a course of action Act: Put your plan into action Orient Phase most important Observed information must be processed to orient Data must be gathered and filtered Decide Phase Decision analysis, and making a timely decision is one of the biggest challenges to leaders today

Practical Problem Solving Method

Practical Problem Solving Method Types of “problems” Something is broken, how do we fix it? Is there opportunity to make something better? Why did something happen? Find the answer New initiative to implement

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 1: Clarify & Validate the Problem Recognize the Correct Problem Go to source Observe first-hand State the Problem: ensures everyone working effectively towards same goals Tools Go & See Value Stream Mapping (flow chart) Voice of Customer Strategic Alignment and Deployment (SA&D) is a systematic method used to ensure everyone in an organization is working effectively toward the same goals identified by senior leadership. Make sure everyone is on the same page. Example, when all the flight commanders perform evaluations using the LCE, we align and calibrate to make sure we all are on the same page using same requirements.   Voice of the Customer: Keep in mind that we all have customers (end users if you prefer) who benefit from the products or services our organizations provide. Go and See: The best way for leaders to spot problems is to get up and walk around their workcenters to observe firsthand what is actually taking place. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help recognize the problem: Will resolving this problem directly contribute to organizational strategic goals? Will resolving this problem directly address organizational level weaknesses? Is there a performance gap (difference between what we should be doing versus what we’re really doing) preventing the organization from moving forward? Has anyone actually observed the problem as it currently exists? Observe

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 2: Breakdown Problem/ID Gaps Gather & Review Key Data Six Characteristics of Metrics (B-SMART) Balanced Specific Measurable Attainable Results Focused Timely Observe

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 2: Breakdown Problem/ID Gaps Value & Waste Analysis 8 Types of Waste Defects - Intellect Over-production - Motion Waiting - Excess Inventory Non-standard over processing Transportation Always look for waste in processes Customer determines end value Observe

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 3: Set Improvement Targets Strategic: Visions of what the organization strives to become Tactical: Define performance level necessary to make strategic vision a reality Orient

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 4: Determine Root Cause Most vital step Avoid efforts directed towards symptoms Find deepest point (root) w/in sphere of influence Brainstorm Tools 5 Whys Cause & Effect Diagram Control Chart Pareto Analysis Orient

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 5: Develop Countermeasures Focus on selecting best solution(s) Have common & agreeable criteria Factors of analyzing criteria Effectiveness (will it work or prevent reoccurrence?) Feasibility (cost, resources, time, etc.) Impact (job, team, mission, Air Force, etc.) Action plan Clear & detailed Consensus & ownership Decide

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 6: See Countermeasures Through Collect data according to action plan Monitor system Determine performance of tasks Are you hitting the targets Implement contingency plans Provide training Act

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 7: Confirm Results & Process Review & reassess the solution Ensure plan produced intended results Monitor project for performance Baseline (Steps 1 & 2) B-SMART (Step 3) “Where you thought you would be” Meeting targets by deadlines Return to previous steps as necessary Act

Practical Problem Solving Method Step 8: Standardize Successful Processes Most commonly skipped Answer these questions: What is needed to standardize improvements? Do you have documentation? Tech order changes Air Force Instruction (AFI) changes Operating Instruction (OI) changes Restart Problem-Solving Process Act

Objective of Problem Solving Relationship to the OODA Loop Summary Objective of Problem Solving Relationship to the OODA Loop Practical Problem Solving Method 8 Steps Exercise

Practical Problem Solving Method