The Trade Union Federation “Beer, Food and Beverages” represents brewing, milling, bread making and pastries, which have signed agreements for joint work. We are in negotiations with the Union of the oil producers in Bulgaria.
We have structured the food industry in four directions: A. Milling, bakery and confectionery production of chocolate and confectionery producers of honey and honey products, nuts and coffee; B. Production of meat and meat products, eggs and poultry, fish and fish products, vegetable oils; C. Beverages, raw materials for them, water and food; D. Milk and milk products, ice cream, canning and freezing fruits and vegetables.
We are in process of counting - employers and unions We are in process of counting - employers and unions. The great difficulty comes from the fact that there is no clear legal framework for certification of employer’s structures. Social dialogue is an instrument of prosperity, but it requires responsibilities as well. It is constantly evolving. As a social partner Trade Union Federation “Beer, Food and Beverages” holds bilateral partnership at branch level and tripartite partnership at level-Ministry of Economy. Both levels have adopted rules for their work.
The dialogue at the level-ministry is formal because the ministry as a principal can not intervene in the politics of the industry, which is fully privatized. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food haven’t included us in the council for social partnership for lack of will, capacity and competence. Privatized property does not warrant the state to withdraw from the dialogue at the level of "industry" and leave it at " branch level ".
There are issues that await authoritative and competent state intervention, but so far these processes have been delayed and left for resolution by employers and unions. At times, except as a principal, the state can appear as an arbitrator.
Social partnership at the level of industry takes a leading position in our business, and is one of the main priorities. The specific goal is to build a normal, stable relation with employers based on honesty and trust. Parties have adopted policy relating to minimum insurance income, income and employment. In connection with the crisis social partners have adopted anti-crisis measures. In the negotiations are applied "reasonable flexibility", mutual concessions and mutual commitments. We strive for the social dialogue not to erode and end as meaningless monologue.
As a problem can be pointed out, not only at the branch level also the lack of information from the European Sectoral Committee to develop and adopt a sectoral tariff policy on remuneration.
Topics for discussion in the sector in 2012: Quality development of the work environment. Adoption programs for security and career development. Linking the pay with the final performance of the company and avoiding social dumping '- for equal work - equal pay. " Adoption of a "Joint Programme on Social Dialogue 2011-2013", divided into two parts: continuing operations and new priorities.
At the initiative of the European Trade Union Confederation was adopted targeted campaign "Time of changes" aimed at: Increase the organizational culture and corporate social responsibility to achieve a harmonious combination of work and family life; Increasing the role and the effectiveness of social dialogue by applying the guiding principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Global Compact in Davos, the Lisbon strategy "Europe 2020“; Training.
Topics of strategic importance, on which employers and unions can reach agreement: Excise Policy Minimum social insurance income Laws regulating the relationships between dealers and manufacturers Imports of beer - unfair competition from Germany.
There is an agreement on corporate social responsibility, for this purpose social partners adopted a joint memorandum. A social charter was adopted for ethical standards of conduct on the premises of the brewery industry - strengthening workers' rights, on discrimination and acts of corruption, freedom of association, exchange of best practices, etc.
What is imperative on the part of employers? 1. Accession of the companies of the industry to the Global Compact in Davos. 2. Implementation into the multinational companies of the guiding principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
We are in isolation regarding the information from European Sectoral Committee. If there is any information, it is very scarce. For ten years we have been expecting the collective agreements of multinationals that have property in Bulgaria, but in vein. Without Europeanization and internationalization of the social dialogue, the end of the socio political model is destined and it's not too good.
The challenges of globalization and the crisis forced new dimensions and new approach to collective bargaining. This leads us to upgrade and modernize our approach to the preparation and content of sectoral collective agreements - training, human capital development, organizational culture, competition - corporate social responsibility, combining work, family and personal life, the nitrate directive, ect.
Thank you and I wish you all good work. The challenges of globalization and the crisis forced new dimensions and new approach to collective bargaining. This leads us to upgrade and modernize our approach to the preparation and content of sectoral collective agreements - training, human capital development, organizational culture, competition - corporate social responsibility, combining work, family and personal life, the nitrate directive, ect. Thank you and I wish you all good work.