MediaCups: Experience with Design and Use of Computer Augmented Everyday Artefacts M. Beigl, H-W. Cellersen and A. Schmidt Telecooperation Office, University of Karlsruhe Computer Networks, Special Issue on Pervasive Computing, Elsevier, 2001
Contents Introduction Related work Artefact computing model Augmenting everyday artefacts: the MediaCup Spatial Context Communication: RAUM Conclusion & Reference
Introduction Computer: secondary artefact Digital artefacts: computer-augmentation Limited computational ability: memory, processing power Sharing of information and awareness of the surrounding real world environment Location- and context-awareness
Related Works Computer-augmentation of artefacts Embedding of context-awareness in artefacts provision of an infrastructure for communication and artefact inter-working RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) TTT (Thing That Think) HAVi and Jini
Artefacts Computing Model Everyday artefact Digital artefact Do not compromise their original function and use Enable new functionality to emerge form digital artefact networking Artefact context Spatial context communication Make information about themselves available for computing within a local environment
Implementation Microchip PIC 16F84 microprocessor Motion detection: three metal ball-switches Temperature sensor: Dallas DS1621 chip Power: two large capacitors, wireless charge Motion: stationary, moving, drinking out of the cup, fiddling with the cup Temperature: filled up, cooled off, and current temperature
Network Infrastructure MediaCup: Infrared Backbone: CAN (Car Area Network) Broadcast their context as event message every two seconds Local Ethernet: broadcast UDP packet
Spatial Context Communication RAUM: location-based Relation of Application objects for communicating Ubicomp event Messages Location-oriented & spatial-dependent Service-oriented
Other Networking Artefacts MediaCup activity viewer Smart door: people name PC-based watch Coffee machine
Conclusion & Reference MediaCup: investigating computer-augmentation of everyday artefacts and communication infrastructure for the evolution of artefact computing Reference “Using spatial Co-location for Coordination in Ubiquitous Computing Environments,” 1th Int. Sym. Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC99) Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999 “Implicit Human Computer Interaction Through Context,” 1th International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC99), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999