TopiC:- Circuit Theorems Government engineering college, Palanpur TopiC:- Circuit Theorems Prepared by- 130610109011 130610109013 130610109014 130610109015 130610109016 140613109003 Subject – Circuit & Network (2130901) Department - Electrical engineering Faculty name - A.M.Patel sir
Subject:- Circuits & Networks Topic:- Circuit Theorems
Content Introduction Superposition Source Transformation Thevenin’s Theorem with examples Norton’s Theorem with examples
Introduction To develop analysis techniques applicable to linear circuits To simplify circuit analysis and help handling the complexity
Superposition Based on linearity property Statement The voltage across (current through) an element is the algebraic sum of the voltage across (current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.
Example 1 = +
Example 2 = +
Example 3
Source Transformation
Applicable to Dependent Sources
Example 1
Example 2
Thevenin’s Theorem A variable element Thevenin equivalent circuit
Continued = A simple voltage divider
Proof of Thevenin’s Theorem + = All indep. sources on sources off _
Finding VTh and RTh If no dependent sources included
Continued If dependent sources included, two methods can be applied to determine RTh External voltage source method External current source method
Example 1 = RTh VTh
Example 2 = RTh voc
Norton’s Theorem Norton equivalent circuit
Proof of Norton’s Theorem + = All indep. sources on sources off
Example = RN IN