Best Start Early Year’s offer of Support for children with Additional Needs
Best Start Early Year’s offer of Support for children with Additional Needs The Best Start Early Years Team have redesigned the offer of support for children with additional needs . The aim is to have a professional support network around the setting with targeted intervention for children and holistic support for the setting provided by the Best Stat Learning Collaboration The Best Stat Early Years team will provide short interventions which could be from an EP, Behaviour Support Specialist or a Key Worker. The need will be assessed by the Best Start Area Inclusion Coordinator and the most appropriate resource will be allocated
Best Start Early Years offer Children who have been identified as tracking 1-2 bands behind in 2 or more Prime Areas or with significant behavioural needs. Intervention Details Length EP assessment (non statutory) EP will undertake a visit to the setting , seek views of parents and key person/SENCO and observation of child’s presenting need. Advice strategies and next steps for support . 1 Visit maximum 3 hours EP Intervention Undertake a visit to the setting , Seek views of parent s and key person/SENCO and observation of child’s presenting need . Will advice strategies and plan programme of intervention Max 6 visits over a agreed time frame Behaviour support intervention Undertake a visit to the setting , Seek views of parent s and key person/SENCO and observation of child’s presenting need. Will advice strategies and intervention and to follow a programme to support behaviour management. Max 6 visits over a agreed time frame Key worker Intervention Will agree a programme of intervention with parents and key person/SENCO. This will include strategies, modelling and peer to peer observations. Max 3 visits over half a term
Children who have been identified has tracking 1 band behind in a Prime Area Intervention Details Length Best Start learning Collaboration There will be no direct intervention for a child but setting will receive support to ensure learning environment meets children needs
Evidence Early help form with an over view of the identified need, the interventions that have been undertaken and the evidence of lack of progress Support Plan with clear targets and action Observations evidencing each area of need Recent tracking no older than 6 weeks Sent to
Early Years Funding for children with additional needs
Early Years Funding Funding to support Early Years settings to make appropriate provision for all children with SEND comes from two sources, the Early Years Block and the High Needs Block: The Early Years Block must have Inclusion Fund under the new guidance The inclusion fund is made up of 2 elements –inclusive practice and targeted funding The personalised funding comes from the High Needs block
Inclusive practice This is to facilitate inclusive practice and the capacity of the SENCO and to enable setting to implement what should already be available. Funding is allocated based on the number of children claimed on January Census head count day. A budget is then allocated and paid throughout the year The amount is £55.56 for every child The amount is clearly stated on funding sheets
Targeted funding for Individual children This is the amount that a SENCO would request from the local authority to support children who are vulnerable and have needs over and above what should already be available. This is likely to be children who have some additional needs in two or more areas of EYFS and would benefit from targeted additional adult support and interventions over a short period of time, typically one term.
Area Criteria Budget allocation Cognition and Learning 1 band behind in PSED and at least one other area of development (Typically children who are 12 months behind their chronological age) £4.88 for the number of funded hours the child attends in a week and the number of weeks in a term Communication and Interaction (including speech and language) 1 band behind in CAL and PSED (Typically children who are 12 months behind their chronological age) Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) 1 band behind in PSED and CAL (Typically children who are 12 months behind their chronological age) Sensory and /or Physical Needs 1 band behind in PD and at least one other area of development (Typically children who are 12 months behind their chronological age)
Personalised funding for individual children For a small minority of children who have complex and acute needs, the range and level of support required to make appropriate provision is likely to be above the resources ordinarily available through universal and targeted provision. This is likely to be for children who have moderate or severe learning difficulties and/or have significant medical and physical needs which require the support from a range of health, social care and education services.
Area Criteria Budget allocation Moderate Learning difficulties 1 band behind in prime areas (Typically children who are 12- 18mths months behind their chronological age) £4.88 for the number of funded hours the child attends in a week and the number of weeks in a term SEVERE Learning difficulties 2 bands behind in prime areas (Typically children who are 24 months behind their chronological age) £7.38 for the number of funded hours the child attends in a week and the number of weeks in a term Significant medical and physical needs 3 bands behind areas (Typically children who are 30 months behind their chronological age) £9.66 for the number of funded hours the child attends in a week and the number of weeks in a term
Evidence Baseline Assessment/Evidence of information gathered when child started at setting (including 2 year check, where applicable). Tracking – exact not best fit. NO older than 6 weeks Support Plan clearly showing the Assess Plan Do Review Cycle (what strategies/differentiated activities/resources/enhanced ratios you have tried and the impact, if any). Provision Map Any information from other professionals and parents/carers.