DISC ´12 NEWADA duo Work Package 5 – User services based on ICT Vukovar, 13/12/2012 - Gergely Mező / RSOE
Topics of presentations Act.5.1 Services based on WLAN Act.5.2 Personalized FIS Portal Act.5.3 Pilot for Aids to Navigation
Act.5.1 WLAN
Background, status
Challenges, problems user’s point of view was not considered different approaches of providing services many possibilities remained
Activity overview Act. 5.1 will be dealing with the improvement of WLAN (wireless local area network) services. Presently operational WLANs (which were implemented in the NEWADA and IRIS Europe II projects) shall be improved in terms of their coverage and available services according to user needs. Therefore, the project team will get in contact with users of these WLANs in order to collect feedback and suggestions for improvement of the available systems.
Tasks Task. No. Title of Task Resp. PP 5.1.1 Planning, execution and evaluation of user surveys and personal interviews RSOE 5.1.2 Implementation of improved WLAN services based on user feedbacks 5.1.3 Planning, implementation and evaluation of pilot activities - push service, 5GHz service and web camera service 5.1.4 Strengthening dissemination of WLAN services 5.1.5 Planning, execution and evaluation of long-term test of WLAN service
Schedule Act. 5.1 4.Q 2012 1.Q 2013 2.Q 2013 3.Q 2013 4.Q 2013 1.Q 2014 2.Q 2014 3.Q 2014 task 5.1.1 task 5.1.2 task 5.1.3 task 5.1.4 task 5.1.5
Act.5.2 FIS Portal
Background, status www.danubeportal.com
Challenges, problems user-friendliness shall be enhanced, contact with users shall be established, quality of service shall be improved, break-down of online web service data feeds, improved internal administration (enhancement of error messages)
Activity overview This activity will be dealing with the personalisation of the Fairway Information Services (FIS) portal which was developed during the NEWADA project to improve the portal in terms of user-friendliness, quality and harmonisation of data and customised information (e.g. services for registered users). Therefore, an analysis of user needs will be carried out and results will be utilised during the improvement of the Danube FIS Portal.
Tasks Task. No. Title of Task Resp. PP 5.2.1 Planning, execution and evaluation of user surveys and interviews RSOE 5.2.2 Design and implementation of enhanced FIS Portal 5.2.3 Test and operational issues of FIS Portal 5.2.4 Dissemination of FIS Portal 5.2.5 Elaboration of concept for mobile version of FIS Portal
Schedule Act. 5.2 4.Q 2012 1.Q 2013 2.Q 2013 3.Q 2013 4.Q 2013 1.Q 2014 2.Q 2014 3.Q 2014 task 5.2.1 task 5.2.2 task 5.2.3 task 5.2.4 task 5.2.5
Act.5.3 AtoN Activity Leader: Zoran Lukic, Plovput
Aim of Act.5.3 The main objective is to increase safety of navigation by installing electronic devices on the floating marks that provide information to the users navigating in different navigational conditions (different sections of the Danube River) about correct/accurate positioning of the fairway. Already installed AIS networks in the Danube countries shall enable river administrations to monitor the status of the marking system (and therefore status of information provision to the users) improving the precision and reliability as well as to broadcast virtual AtoNs on the pilot stretches.
Activity tasks Task No. Title of Task Resp. PP 5.3.1 Planning of pilot AtoNs networks on selected stretches Plovput 5.3.2 Design (including technical specification & ToR) of pilot AtoNs monitoring solutions for selected stretches 5.3.3 Implementation of pilot system for AtoNs monitoring on selected stretches 5.3.4 Tests and evaluation of the results achieved on the pilot stretches for pilot system implemented within task 5.3.3 5.3.5 Design (including ToR) of pilot system for virtual AtoNs provision on selected stretches 5.3.6 Implementation of pilot system for virtual AtoNs provision on selected stretches 5.3.7 Tests and evaluation of the results achieved on the pilot stretches for pilot system implemented within task 5.3.6 5.3.8 Report on conclusions and recommendations based on tests and evaluations conducted in 5.3.4 and 5.3.7
Picture by Kongsberg
Gergely Mező gergely.mezo@rsoe.hu