Classroom Procedures & Expectations
When you arrive at our class, I will greet you in the hallway. Students will line up along the wall quietly and we will enter the class together. You will sit in the same seat everyday unless I tell you otherwise. When you enter the classroom, please be seated in your assigned seat and prepare yourself for the class (pencil sharpened, notebook out, etc.) If you come in the room after the tardy bell has rung, then you are tardy.
The bell ringing is a procedure to tell you that it is time to begin class. At the bell, you are to begin your weekly warm-up exercise. There should be no talking or moving during this warm-up activity.
If another student, teacher/administrator, or adult walks into the room you are to be on your best behavior and show RESPECT at all times!! I will have a tray labeled “TURN IN” on your student table and that is where you will turn in your work that is not done on the computer.
NEVER touch the Smartboard, globes, or anything on my desk UNLESS you have PERMISSION. There will be a student table at the front of the room and you are allowed to use anything on this table. YOU MUST RETURN ANY ITEM YOU BORROW! Raise your hand and wait to be recognized when you have a question or if you are answering a question.
You are expected to bring your COMPUTER and ANY NOTES with you to class EVERYDAY! Everyday you will have a bell ringer to complete and normally this will have questions about the previous notes you took. This will tell me if you paid attention and if you brought your notes to class.
If you are absent, PLEASE make sure you check your box. Your box will be labeled as your class letter and number (for example, A1) These boxes are located to the right of the room and when you miss a day, all of your assignments will be in that box. I will not remind you to check your box. You must do this as soon as you come back to school. Most assignments will be on your Canvas page so please check there as well.
I set high expectations for my students because I know what each of you are capable of. I will challenge you in ways nobody has challenged you before. We will set goals in this classroom and I will make sure that you achieve them. I will never let you down and I expect the same from you. If you ever complete all of your work and have nothing to do, then you will pick up a popsicle stick from the front table. This popsicle stick will have an activity on it that I will need you to complete.
If you exceed my expectations, work really hard, reach your goals, are respectful/positive, etc. I will allow you to grab a “student surprise” from the jar. For example, one might say 5 points added to your next summative test, free cell phone pass for 5 minutes, get to pack up early one day, etc. You must be on your best behavior to receive a “student surprise”
In this class, we will learn about US History until 1877. We will watch video clips, Cornell Notes, create PowerPoints, read, summarize, group work, debate, etc. It is very important that you come to school each day so that you won’t get behind in this class. IF YOU DO MISS A DAY, you can visit my webpage to see what you missed. All assignments will be posted on my webpage and you are expected to check it.
When going to lunch, we will line up at the door (11;34-11:54/Table 1/Wednesdays – 40 minutes earlier). When I dismiss you, you will walk out the closet the door and go to the lunchroom. Everyone must sit at the same table and DO NOT leave any trash behind. Get everything you need when you go through the line the FIRST and ONLY time!! We will ALL get up at the same time to throw our trash away. DO NOT get up in the middle of lunch to throw your trash away. We will go through the line that is closest to the gym.
The bell does not dismiss you, I do The bell does not dismiss you, I do! If the room is not in order as it was when you entered the room, you may not leave when the bell rings. My time is just as valuable as your time. If we waist time in my classroom that is hurting you as a student. I have fun activities planned every week. IF you are on your best behavior we will be able to do these things. You will loose the privilege to have fun in my classroom if you do not follow the rules and procedures.
I do NOT like for students to leave during instruction time to go to the bathroom because when one has to go they ALL have to go. If I see that several people have to go to the bathroom AND we have time, I will take you as a class to the restroom but you MUST be on your best behavior.
During a FIRE drill, we will exit the building through the closest door that leads to the parking lot. We will walk to the back parking lot and get into a single fill line (where the portable buildings are). During a TORNADO drill, you will quietly exit the room and get up against the wall closest to my room. You can sit Indian style with your head between your legs and DO NOT talk. During a LOCK DOWN drill, you must be EXTREMELY quiet and move away from the windows and doors. You will get under your desk or a table in the room.
During an earthquake drill, you will get under your desk or a table near you and sit quietly until it is over. During an evacuation drill, you will exit the building through the closest door to us and walk to the bus loop. We will get on a bus and sit there quietly. I will let you know the exact bus number closer to the day of the drill.