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Learning Disabilities 3.1
Who is SPED? Estimate that 5-10% of school-aged children have learning disabilities 90% of those are considered mildly disabled Reading disability accounts for about 80% of all learning disabilities Children from 3 to 21 years old may qualify for special education services because of an intellectual, emotional, or physical condition
Intellectual Both high and low IQ Low IQ students are classified as severely, moderately, or mildly mentally retarded. They usually learn basic academic subjects and survival skills in resource rooms and limited regular classrooms Students with normal intelligence can experience academic difficulties due to a specific learning disability (LD) caused by a disorder within the central nervous system (brain).
Some disorders occur while the brain is forming during the early stage of pregnancy, at which time any disruption can cause cell damage. Risks: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. LD’s are hidden. It is observed in behavior, such as difficulties with speech and language, coordination, or self-control/attention.
Common LD: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Common LD: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).This creates trouble focusing attention, listening, completing work, waiting turns, etc. Gifted and talented students (high IQ) possess a high degree of ability, creativity, and motivation. May ask difficult questions, complete work fast, get bored, and act up. “Gifted”= Intellectual ability “Talented”= More diverse, musical, artistic, etc.
Physical There is a wide variety of physical disabilities in a regular classroom. Some students with normal intelligence, and good health, need physical adjustments or consideration in the learning environment, such as sign language translators, large prints books, and ramps or special equipment.
Other students are “medically fragile”. They have health issues, such as diabetes, epilepsy, anemia, and asthma that may require regular medication, limited activities, or cause high absenteeism.
Emotional This disorder is the most challenging for most teachers and other students. Behavior disorders (BD) adversely affect student’s social and emotional functioning.
Manifested through: Conduct disorders: overt aggression, verbal and physical, disruptive, negative, irresponsible, defiant. Anxiety-withdrawal: overanxious, socially withdrawn, reclusive, shy, sensitive. Immaturity: short attention span, passive, daydreaming, sluggish.
BD students disrupt the basic stability of order of the classroom. This interferes with not only their own learning but also that of other students. One or two BD students can take up a very large percentage of a teacher’s time, attention, and energy.
What disability do you think would be the most challenging to work with in a classroom setting?
Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities Capitalize on the student’s strengths Provide a structured, consistent routine Provide alternative ways to demonstrate competencies Be very clear about what’s expected Use short sentences and simple vocabulary Build self-esteem with opportunities for success
Allow flexibility in procedures (e.g., extra time, peer assistance) Give immediate feedback without embarrassment Use self-correcting materials Computers for drill and practice The gift of time to grow & mature!