SKIL 402 Professional Skills - 3 Introduction to The Course
Objectives of the Course Gain basic knowledge of commonly used clinical and intervention procedures in medicine Technique Indications / contraindications Complications Practice the safe technique in performing the common procedures
List of Skills Pulse, BP, Temperature, Body Wight, Height, & BMI IV Cannula, IV Fluid, and Blood Transfusion Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections Visual Acuity, Color Blindness, Ophthalmoscopy, Otoscopy Basic Life Support, CPR Nasogastric tube insertion, Lumbar Puncture
List of Skills Abdominocentesis & Thoracocentesis PV (Per-Vaginal) Exam, Pap smear, & Speculum Urinary Catheterization Male & Female Endotracheal Tube insertion, Laryngoscopy, Tracheostomy, Coricothyridectomy PR (Per-Rectum) examination, Proctoscopy, Sigmoidscopy , and Colonoscopy Suturing techniques and material, Wound Dressing
Assessments and Examinations Assessment of knowledge MCQ Short Essay Assessment of Skills Practical Following a check-list