1st Round Sector Defense Sudan CHF 2012 1st Round Sector Defense Sector: NFI & ES Jan 18th , 2012
CHF Geographical priorities Blue Nile, South Kordofan, Abyei CHF Geographical priorities Ensure emergency response capacity within the sector is maintained for: Darfur (North, South and West) Blue Nile, South Kordofan, Abyei
CHF Sector Priorities: Basic life-saving emergency assistance to newly displaced/returnee households Needs assessed response to pre-existing IDP households through seasonal replenishment, prioritising female headed households Capacity of national NGOs increased Continue the change from ‘emergency’ shelter to environmentally friendly ‘transitional’ shelter support. which includes: blankets, Jerry can, sleeping mats, plastic sheet, and cooking set. Replenishments: targeting as the first priority vulnerable groups, particularly female headed households, and IDPs in remote areas. Capacity building NNGOs: particularly in the areas of needs assessments, distributions, reporting, and financial systems.
Sector strategy for addressing the priorities Avoid pipeline breaks and maintain emergency preparedness and response capacity- adequate funding for transportation; timely procurement (secured) Ensure critical gaps are covered - Support national partners to apply for independent funding Support capacity building for sector partners Empower local populations and reduce aid dependency Avoid pipeline breaks and maintain emergency preparedness and response capacity- timely procurement to maintain critical stocks of emergency life-saving NFI & ES items for the Common Pipeline; and adequate funding for transportation. Ensure critical gaps are covered – seek and support active national partners with small projects in remote locations Ensure that critical gaps are covered and that partners (especially national)have sufficient funding for NFI distributions- advocating on behalf of Sector partners for CHF/ ERF funding Support national partners to apply independently for funding - piggybacked on WFP food distributions Support capacity building for sector partners, especially national actors – includes training on topics such as assessments, organization of NFI distributions, accessing the Common Pipeline and applying for and accessing available funding, Training provided to national international NGOs, UN agencies, government counterparts and HAC – further training has been requested Empower local populations and reduce aid dependency - cut back on replenishment targets reduced from 350,000 households in 2009/10 to 210,000 HHs in 2010/ 11 and 95,000 HHs in 2011/12 and promote and facilitate durable solutions like environmentally friendly transitional shelters -
HWP 2012 Caseload by Beneficiary Type (in Households) State HWP 2012 Caseload by Beneficiary Type (in Households) Targeted Beneficiaries Contingency Caseload IDP Requiring Replenishment Newly Displaced and Disaster affected Households Referendum Related Rest of Sudan 5,000 119,000 North Darfur 24,000 11,000 South Darfur 43,000 25,000 West Darfur 28,000 14,000 Sub Total 95,000 55,000 119,000 Total NFI CP Caseload 269,000 Other pipelines Total Sector Caseload 294,000
Identified priority needs Of the 1.9 million IDPs estimated in Darfur, the Sector has identified (based on needs assessments from previous distributions) 95,000 households (approximately 570,000 people) in Darfur that require seasonal replenishment items. Contingency stocks for an estimated 5,000 households per month maintained for newly displaced due to conflict /disaster and returnees (target based on historical data) In the Rest of Sudan, the Sector target is 119,000 households (approximately 714,000 people) displaced/potential returnees in SKS, BNS, NKS, Sennar, and White Nile State (based on the Contingency Planning figures of September 2011)
NFI & ES Sector Response Timely provision of essential life-saving non-food and emergency shelter items to newly displaced households/ returnees within UNJLC’s target turnaround time for NFI requests of 7 calendar days. Bi annual key seasonal items replenishment, based on needs assessments, prioritising female headed and most vulnerable HHs. Promote sustainable shelter solutions for protracted displacements to encourage self reliance and decrease aid dependency.
CHF fund will be utilised to ensure: NFI & ES items are procured timely and transported from the primary hub and pre-positioned in the secondary and tertiary hubs before the onset of the rains; Needs assessments and distributions of replenishment items (2 jerry cans/ plastic sheet) are completed by partners for 95,000 households before the onset of the rains; A full basket of NFIs is provided to newly displaced households as required on onset of emergency/disaster and to returnees
CHF funding is critical right now to meet these sector priorities CHF funding is critical right now to meet these sector priorities. Without funding for 6 months: NFI & ES stocks pre-positioned in El Obeid and the main warehouses in Darfur would not reach populations in need due to lack of funds for transportation to the secondary and tertiary hubs Timely Sector response capacity to serve newly displaced households and potential returnees to the Protocol Areas with life-saving NFI & ES items would be compromised Many partner organizations would not be able to participate in the seasonal assessments/distributions for rainy season replenishments in Darfur, leaving large geographic gaps Projects promoting transitional shelters (durable solutions) towards reducing aid dependency would be put on hold
Ensuring value for money and low indirect costs Highest score for average distribution costs per household served were capped at: 12 – 16 US$ for INGO; 5 – 8 US$ NNGO. Extra allowance for rural /deep field locations - Category ‘C”. Highest score where more of the budget went directly to beneficiaries. In the case of partners that do assessments and distribute NFIs from the common Pipeline, staff costs were considered essential operational costs Priority for National NGOs operating in gap areas, with minimal operating costs and proven capacity to deliver Sector coordination of the NFI common Pipeline partners ensures no overlap in activities (i.e. double-dipping) geographic gaps are covered and beneficiaries receive timely assistance with WFPLCU’s target turnaround time for NFI requests of 7 calendar days
Core pipeline allocation (early funding received)– US$ 2,860,752 Summary of TRG-endorsed proposals Core pipeline allocation (early funding received)– US$ 2,860,752 Additional recommended Sector Envelope: US$ 2 million Total Sector requested: US$ 8,950,852 Total TRG-recommended Sector Envelope: US$ 4,860,752 Total projects proposals: 26 Total projects recommended for funding: 16 Recommended percentage: Sector Envelope Including Core Pipeline: UN +IOM- 67%; INGO - 18%; NNGO - 15%
Project promotes durable solutions- transitional shelters Summary of TRG-endorsed proposals Total Recommended Sector Envelope versus historical trend or basis for envelope Approach to determining project allocation amount: Project ranks in the top 10 in the technical evaluation criteria scoring worksheet Top scoring INGO proposals recommended for US$ 200,000 (the minimum stipulated for budgets over USD 200,000) NNGOs projects under the 200,000 threshold covering gaps in priority locations for timely NFI & ES assessments /distributions Project promotes durable solutions- transitional shelters 2009 2010 2011 2012 $7,570,375 $4,167,345 $5,500,000 $4,860,752