Urban Risk Reduction in Arab Region Zubair Murshed
Context Hyogo Framework of Action Making Cities Resilient Campaign Arab Strategy for DRR
Why Urban Risks transforming Cities expanding Vulnerabilities growing
Water* Extended droughts* Degriculture Food* Alarm Bells Water* Extended droughts* Degriculture Food* The report from the analysts Maplecroft, says that the ten countries most at risk are: Somalia (1), Mauritania (2), Sudan (3), Niger (4), Iraq (5), Uzbekistan (6), Pakistan (7), Egypt (8), Turkmenistan (9) Syria (10), and Yemen.
56 % (overall) 70 % (GCC and North Africa) 87 % (Lebanon) And counting Going Urban 56 % (overall) 70 % (GCC and North Africa) 87 % (Lebanon) And counting
Arab City Coastal Seismic City as country* Who is managing ??? * Disaster preparedness ???
Session purpose To arrive at a common understanding of urban risks and define time-bound, achievable targets for disaster risk reduction in Arab cities.
An Arab Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Cities. Session outcome An Arab Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Cities.
Session Flow Urban risks in the region Existing systems in Arab cities Good Practices Arab Declaration on DRR in cities
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