Client training 2016
Features currently available on pcc SIS – With 1.4m parts FOL – Frequent Order Lists Core Tracking Part Lookup Quick Order Quoting Setting Defaults Related Parts Order History Promo Code Resource Center
Additional features coming soon to pcc Live Chat Coming Q4 2016 Document Review Coming Q3 2016
Benefits of using More ways to find parts Easier learning curve for new users Faster ordering with quick features View order history and reorder Avoid the manual entry of large bulk orders Upload files Mobile friendly Optimized Search Engine
searching and finding parts on There are several ways to find parts on Parts.Cat.Com Site Search Shop by Category Part Lookup Service Information System (SIS)
Searching and finding parts on video #2
Equipment lists Parts Manual
Equipment lists In SIS
Resource center
resource Center Cont’d What’s New Tab: Sign Up for Newsletters Featured Updates & Articles Frequent Order Lists Updates Quick Order Updates Quoting Updates Parts Lookup Tutorials Tab: Check Out Shopping Preferences Using SIS to Find Parts Find Parts by Category Access Parts Manuals Many more
quick order feature video #3
To change store locations Hover mouse over the account number at the top of the page and select “change”
HOW TO ORDER NON CAT PARTS Note: Non-cat parts can only be ordered through “Quick Order”
How to order non-cat parts Cont’d = Non returnable part “Contact Dealer” you can still push the order through.
Quick order cont’d Customers on the Quick Order page who have added parts to the fields on the page and attempt to leave Quick Order, are warned, "You are about to navigate away from a page with a form that has not been submitted. By doing so, you will lose any information you've entered. Would you like to proceed?” with options to “Cancel" or "Proceed.” If “Cancel” is selected, you will stay on the Quick Order page and can "Add All Items to Cart" and all items are added to the shopping cart. If “Proceed” is selected, you will lose the parts entered into the Quick Order page; those parts are not added to the cart and do not remain in the form. In addition to the warning message, the “Order” button on the Quick Order page says, “Add All to Cart,” and when that button is clicked, a window indicating progress that stops you from clicking elsewhere on the page pops up.
Quick order cont’d
Quick order cont’d
Sis access video #4
Note: 3D graphics are only compatible with Internet Explorer SIS Access Cont’d In order to view 3D Graphics make sure you’ve downloaded the first three plug-ins from the downloads section. Note: 3D graphics are only compatible with Internet Explorer .
Sis access cont’d Note: The Part Lookup feature only offers 2D graphics which is why you don’t need to install any additional software to use the feature. In order to view 3D Graphics in SIS, make sure you download the graphic plug-ins from the downloads section. Also, 3D Graphics are only compatible with Internet Explorer. Note: The Parts Lookup feature only offers 2D graphics which is why you don’t need to install any additional software to use the feature.
How to Tell if you have a 32 Bit or 64 Bit Computer Go to the “start menu”, right click on “computer”, select properties. How to find out if you have a 32bit or 64 bit operating system
hOw to Check out on video #5
HOW TO CHECKOUT Note: If items are not something we normally stock, you will be charged freight. If you can wait a few days, push the date out five days to avoid freight charges After adding parts in a cart, you can proceed to check out through the shopping cart page. You will need to fill in the “requested delivery date”. You can select the “continue shopping” button or you can select the “export shopping cart” to a file and download. You can “remove all” of your parts from the cart or you can click “check out” and proceed to the shipping and billing page.
Check out process – credit card If you’re paying with a credit card, you will be navigated to our credit card processing page. Enter in your information and select next.
Check out process – credit card cont’d Enter your credit card information and selection “Next”
Check out process – order confirmation You’ll receive an order confirmation
Order confirmation – via email You’ll also receive an order confirmation via email.
Setting Defaults (preferences) Quick Checkout To make the login and checkout process faster, you can customize your preferences in “My Account” under “Shopping Preferences” Select your default billing and shipping addresses, payment and shipping method
Setting defaults and preferences in video #6 If items are not something we normally stock, you will be charged a freight charge. If you can wait a few days, push the date out five days to avoid freight charges for non-stocked items.
Additional features recently added to Quoting / Pending Quotes Core Tracking Frequent Order Lists Browsing History Order History Customer Authority Manager Reman/Classic/Alternate Parts
Creating a quote To create a quote, go through the normal process of ordering parts in the shopping cart. Once at the “Order Summary” page, select “create quote” rather than “order”.
Official quote is created and is good for 30 days. Creating quote cont’d Official quote is created and is good for 30 days.
Pending quotes From the “My Account” page select “Pending Quotes” to see a list of all active quotes.
Pending quotes Cont’d Here you can view the details of your order, navigate back to pending quotes, delete the quote or if you’re ready to order, select “Place Order”
Select “core tracking” from “My Account”
Note: You can select “All Store Locations” Core tracking cont’d Note: You can select “All Store Locations” Select your account, the store location, and enter a date range. Once complete select “Search Results”
Frequent order lists Select “Frequent Order Lists” from “My Account” You can create or upload a new list or select the current list to add to your order
Frequent order lists cont’d You can edit your list or add to your current order. Selecting “Actions” allows you to remove the items.
Frequent order lists cont’d You can create a new list or upload an existing list using .csv file format Select Create List. Name your list and select save. Or you can upload a list from your computer. This must be in CSV format
Frequent order list – csv format The file must be in CSV format and have the two header columns “Quantity” and “Part Number”. Format exactly the way it’s show above
Browsing history A “Recently Viewed” carousel is shown on the homepage. From there you can scroll through the carousel, or click “View All.” Browsing history can also be accessed, once you are logged in, from “My Account” page. After clicking “View All” a page is shown on which you can adjust the quantity of the parts and add to cart. The results on the page can be filtered by category or attributes associated with the recently viewed parts.
Browsing history cont’d
Browsing history cont’d
Browsing history
Order history The Order History tab shows you the history of your orders placed in PartStore and on Parts.Cat.Com (online orders only). Order histories are shared among users within an organization as well, as long as the user is not an Instant Access client. When viewing order details, you can see the parts included in the order and “Add All to Cart.” The details shown include all of the information entered along with the order.
Order history cont’d
Reman/classic/alternate parts The Quick Order page now functions like PartStore, in that if there are alternate, replacement, Reman or Classic parts associated with a part added in Quick Order, you are directed to an exception screen where parts can be added and removed. This functionality is for the desktop site only, and this is for only those who have associated themselves with a dealer. On the mobile site, these exception screens will not appear, though that functionality is scheduled for a later release in 2016.
Reman/classic/alternate parts cont’d
Reman/classic/alternate parts cont’d
Reman/classic/alternate parts cont’d
Reman/classic/alternate parts cont’d
QUESTIONS Susie Frazier 602-622-4329