Carbon Footprints
Decomposing can video
Carbon Footprint What is a carbon footprint? A measure of the GHG emissions produced by activities like burning fossil fuels. A way to measure how much carbon our actions put into the atmosphere Each person has their own carbon footprint, or how much carbon they put in the air because of their lifestyle.
It measures: Gasoline Flights Train rides Electricity
Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse gases are not technically polllutants! They are naturally occurring substances in our atmosphere that help keep the world at a temperature we can live in.
The problem is when we have too many GHGs in the atmonsphere. The temperature of the globe rises with too much carbon in the air. Getting even a little bit hotter can mess a lot of things up on the planet.
Carbon footprint rocket boom video
Primary Footprint Your Primary Footprint is the measure of carbon you directly put into the atmosphere through your own actions. This can be calculated through measuring your use of fuel and electricity.
Secondary Footprint Your secondary footprint is the measure of carbon indirectly used in order for you to enjoy products and services. Also called “cradle to the grave” costs.
For instance, it takes a great deal of energy to create an X-Box 360 and to have it shipped from China to your community.
Another example: Every time you do a search on Google, hundreds of powerful servers across North America process your request. They use a lot of power.
Try to watch for all the ways that people are wasting energy in this next video clip.
Carbon footprint advert video
Carbon footprint – Discovery Channel video
What’s Canada Doing? Canada is (slowly) working towards reducing its carbon emissions. Provinces like Ontario are trying to phase out coal powered electricity generating stations.
Oakville power plant video
In the last ten years, Canada has been gaining a reputation for being a dirty country. We are becoming known for putting into the atmosphere more than our fair share of carbon emissions. In December 2011, Canada withdrew from the Kyoto protocol (after just ignoring it for four years).
The butt of jokes This next video is made by a pop culture news service in Taiwan.
Canada withdraws from Kyoto video
Take Action If you would like your government to do more to fight climate change and protect the environment... ...writing a letter to your MP or MPP is always a great idea! Let your voice be heard.
How to reduce your carbon footprint video