Nasiah Williams,8th grade griffin middle school ART CRITICISM Nasiah Williams,8th grade griffin middle school
“ Three Musicians” by Pablo Picasso
Description In the artwork “THREE MUSICIANS” by Pablo Picasso, everything in the picture is made as a geometric shape. In the artwork there are mostly warm colors. The three musicians’ instruments are geometrical. As you seen on the previous page the artist used a variety of lines in the whole painting. The lines in the artwork are straight with some exceptions.
In the painting “THE THREE MUSICIANS” Pablo Picasso used a variety of principals. One of the principals he used was emphasis. Picasso emphasized the first musician with cool colors, he also emphasized the middle musicians with luminous warm colors. His technique was painting solid colored shapes. I infer that because there isn’t any tints or tones in the painting. Picasso used patterns on the middle musicians with the colors orange and yellow. Analysis
Interpretation The cubic shapes in “THE THREE MUSICIANS” makes me feel like not every artwork has to be symmetrical. The painting also makes me feel like an oil on canvas is not always expressed in a self-portrait. The painting is about three musicians playing their instruments. In the painting the musicians are a monk, a Pierrot, and a harlequin. All of the musicians are suppose to represent Picasso.
In my opinion, the artwork is not necessarily presentable, because I can’t really see the musicians’ faces. I would fix it by painting the faces organic shapes. Painting the faces organic shapes will emphasize the faces since the other shapes are geometrical. I would also change the tone of the artwork because it is a little dark. By changing the people could see what is going on in the background. Judgment