Sins & Virtues Opening to Dante’s excerpt from “The Inferno” from The Divine Comedy and Milton’s excerpt from Paradise Lost
1st Period Sins Sloth: laziness Gluttony: over-indulging in food, drink; extreme waste Lust: strong sexual desire Wrath: extreme anger Envy: feeling discontent / longing (resentment) for someone else’s possessions Pride: feeling deep pleasure, satisfaction derived from one’s own achievement Greed: selfish desire for wealth, power, food
1st Period Virtues Courage: ability to do something that frightens someone else or yourself Temperance: self-control / restraint in action Charity: giving of help Prudence: cautious or wise in practical affairs; providing for the future Faith: complete trust / confidence in someone / something Justice: quality of being righteous, morally upright, political equality Hope : feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen
1st Period Sins & Virtues as ordered least to MOST Sloth Prudence Gluttony Temperance Lust Charity Wrath Courage Envy Hope Greed Justice Pride Faith
Dante’s Understanding of Sin: least to Most Lust: excessive love of others makes love / devotion to God secondary Gluttony: over-indulgence to the point of waste; distracts the sinner from the spiritual life Greed: also a sin of excess—usu. Money; promotes selfishness over charity and blinds the sinner to the uselessness of material wealth versus everlasting rewards of heaven Sloth: (first): sadness, apathy, joylessness which was a failure to see God’s gifts within the individual. Absence or inadequacy of love. (now) laziness. Wrath: anger / hatred that leads to violence, vengeance, and failure to forgive; it is a love of justice perverted to revenge and spite Envy: jealousy; love of one’s own good perverted to desire to deprive other men of theirs Pride: Primary (worst) ultimate as all others come from this; love of self converted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor
Sins & Virtues Opening to Dante’s excerpt from “The Inferno” from The Divine Comedy and Milton’s excerpt from Paradise Lost
4th Period Sins Sloth: person who avoids physical / spiritual work Gluttony: excessive / habitual eating / drinking Lust: emotion of intense desire, more than only sexual Wrath: strong vengeance; angry indignation Envy: desire for wealth or belongings that are someone else’s Pride: feeling deep pleasure, satisfaction derived from one’s own achievement Greed: desire for material wealth / gain
4th Period Virtues Courage: ability to do something that frightens one; strength Temperance: moderation, or voluntary self-restraint Charity: concern for and act of helping others Prudence: careful, thoughtful in nature; cautious Faith: strong belief in God or doctrines of religion; confidence or trust in another Justice: system of equality; not having more or less than another Hope : desire or expectation for a certain thing to happen
4th Period Sins & Virtues as ordered least to MOST Gluttony Prudence Sloth Charity Lust Hope Envy Temperance Greed Justice Pride Faith Wrath Courage
Dante’s Understanding of Sin: least to Most Lust: excessive love of others makes love / devotion to God secondary Gluttony: over-indulgence to the point of waste; distracts the sinner from the spiritual life Greed: also a sin of excess—usu. Money; promotes selfishness over charity and blinds the sinner to the uselessness of material wealth versus everlasting rewards of heaven Sloth: (first): sadness, apathy, joylessness which was a failure to see God’s gifts within the individual. Absence or inadequacy of love. (now) laziness. Wrath: anger / hatred that leads to violence, vengeance, and failure to forgive; it is a love of justice perverted to revenge and spite Envy: jealousy; love of one’s own good perverted to desire to deprive other men of theirs Pride: Primary (worst) ultimate as all others come from this; love of self converted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor
Sins & Virtues Opening to Dante’s excerpt from “The Inferno” from The Divine Comedy and Milton’s excerpt from Paradise Lost
6th Period Sins Sloth: desire for ease; laziness Gluttony: habitual greed or excess in eating; excessive indulgence in food Lust: strong sexual desire for someone; strong desire for something Wrath: extreme displeasure or anger someone or something Envy: feeling discontent or resentment that comes from longing for something belonging to someone else Pride: over-exaggeration of one’s accomplishments Greed: intense / selfish desire for wealth, power, food
6th Period Virtues Courage: ability to do something that frightens one Temperance: resist drinking alcohol; resist bad habits; moderation Charity: for or act of helping others Prudence: quality of wisdom / good judgement Faith: complete trust / confidence in someone / thing; trust in God Justice: Moderation between selfishness and selflessness Hope: to trust in, wait for, expect something beneficial
6th Period Sins & Virtues as ordered least to MOST Sloth Charity Gluttony Prudence Lust Temperance Pride Hope Wrath Faith Envy Justice Greed Courage
Dante’s Understanding of Sin: least to Most Lust: excessive love of others makes love / devotion to God secondary Gluttony: over-indulgence to the point of waste; distracts the sinner from the spiritual life Greed: also a sin of excess—usu. Money; promotes selfishness over charity and blinds the sinner to the uselessness of material wealth versus everlasting rewards of heaven Sloth: (first): sadness, apathy, joylessness which was a failure to see God’s gifts within the individual. Absence or inadequacy of love. (now) laziness. Wrath: anger / hatred that leads to violence, vengeance, and failure to forgive; it is a love of justice perverted to revenge and spite Envy: jealousy; love of one’s own good perverted to desire to deprive other men of theirs Pride: Primary (worst) ultimate as all others come from this; love of self converted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor
Sins & Virtues Opening to Dante’s excerpt from “The Inferno” from The Divine Comedy and Milton’s excerpt from Paradise Lost
8th Period Sins Sloth: lack of feeling about self or other [indifferent] Gluttony: greed or excessive indulgence of food leading to waste Lust: very strong sexual desire; strong desire for something Wrath: uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, hatred Envy: feeling of discontent or resentment due to focusing on someone else’s possessions, luck, qualities Pride: having an excessively high opinion of oneself or of one’s importance Greed: intense or selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, food, power
8th Period Virtues Courage: ability to do what frightens another; strength in the face of pain or grief Temperance: moderation or voluntary self-restraint Charity: kindness or tolerance in judging others Prudence: caution or circumspection in facing danger or taking risk Faith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof; trust Justice: genuine respect for people; equity / balance between selfishness & selflessness Hope: to desire for expectation or attainment
8th Period Sins & Virtues as ordered least to MOST Greed Hope Gluttony Courage Envy Justice Lust Prudence Pride Charity Wrath Temperance Sloth Faith These 2 shared 7th place
Dante’s Understanding of Sin: least to Most Lust: excessive love of others makes love / devotion to God secondary Gluttony: over-indulgence to the point of waste; distracts the sinner from the spiritual life Greed: also a sin of excess—usu. Money; promotes selfishness over charity and blinds the sinner to the uselessness of material wealth versus everlasting rewards of heaven Sloth: (first): sadness, apathy, joylessness which was a failure to see God’s gifts within the individual. Absence or inadequacy of love. (now) laziness. Wrath: anger / hatred that leads to violence, vengeance, and failure to forgive; it is a love of justice perverted to revenge and spite Envy: jealousy; love of one’s own good perverted to desire to deprive other men of theirs Pride: Primary (worst) ultimate as all others come from this; love of self converted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor