Commercials were extremely powerful! This is what Communists are really all about….
How far should the U.S. go to contain communism if it begins to take over a sovereign nation?
The Cold War Drives American Foreign Policy
1949 China Becomes Communist Chinese Communists fight to overtake the nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek Peasant-friendly Communists, led by Mao Zedong gains support of the masses May 1949 Chiang’s government flees to Taiwan—all that remains of nationalist China
U.S. Views on Why China Succumbed to Communism Containment policy isn’t working Chiang’s $3 billion in aid from the U.S. wasn’t enough Communist agents in the U.S. government are plotting these events
Korea’s a Pawn in the Cold War At the end of World War II Japan surrenders in Korea to the Soviet Union in the north to the Americans in the south 38th parallel established as dividing line
War Breaks Out in Korea June 25, 1950, North Korea attacks South Korea U.S. has only 500 American troops stationed there at the time By September South Korea is in dire straights
U.S. Calls for UN Intervention UN resolution passes In the end 520,000 UN troops sent – 90% Americans – 590,000 South Korean troops Combined forces are commanded by Douglas MacArthur
MacArthur Leads Counterattack September 15, 1950 surprise amphibious landing by MacArthur at Inchon Other troops move up from Pusan
Marines in Pusan at a railroad station awaiting orders for movement northward.
First time Marine landing forces have moved from ship to shore by air, in Operation Marlex-5, off west coast of Korea in the Inchon area. Marines come up on elevator from hanger deck to enter copters for assault take-off.
MacArthur's Assault Successful UN army chases North Korean troops past the 38th parallel Ppage. 854
U.S. Gains New Ground November 1950 UN army reaches the Yalu River China warns it will not stand idly by and watch its borders get threatened China sends 300,000 troops to help the North Koreans
The Korean War Continues January 1951 UN forces have lost all ground in North Korea Chinese army begins advancing into South Korea Fighting continues for two years without significant gain for either side
MacArthur Pushes the Envelope Early 1951 MacArthur suggests the US use nuclear weapons against the Chinese to fight communism Soviet Union has a mutual-assistance pact with China Truman refuses MacArthur’s idea Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says all-out conflict with China would be “the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.”
Back to the 38th Parallel April 1951 UN armies retake Seoul and moves up to the 38th parallel MacArthur continues to urge for an all out war with China
MacArthur Defies Superiors MacArthur tries to sell his idea to newspaper and magazine publishers and Republican leaders MacArthur is told by his superiors to stop his insubordination, but doesn’t
Truman’s Least Popular Decision April 11, 1951 Truman fires MacArthur MacArthur’s approval rating is 69% MacArthur returns home to parades and accolades
War Rages On Truman focus the nation’s energy onto the war not MacArthur
Cease-fire Ends Korean War June 23, 1951 USSR calls for a cease-fire 1952 Eisenhower wins election/Stalin dies July 1953 armistice ends the war
Consequences of the Korean War 54,000 American lives lost $67 billion in U.S. expenditures Increased fear of communist aggression Search begins for Americans who could be blamed for communist gains