DRM in Proprietary Products and Digital Archive A rights metadata approach
What is DRM? Digital Rights Management It’s a class of technology used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders to limit the use of digital content after sell
Need for DRM To Control unauthorized access Protection from piracy To protect intellectual rights
Digital rights issues Digital content is easy to obtain, duplicate and distribute Issues related to long term preservations Issues related to self archive (copy rights of the rights holder) Piracy related issues
Kinds of Digital Rights Copyright Legal deposit Privacy Trademark
Rights and Agreements Creators Rights Agreements
DRM Technology, used in various products E-book Documents like [MS Word, PDF, AutoCAD Files etc] Email services Web pages Media files (audio/ video)
DRM Technology in E books Products Format Adobe ePub; PDF Apple ePub; iBook apps on iOS devices MTMO Kno app for iOS and Android tablets Amazon Kindle Mobipocket; Topaz and PDF
DRM in media files DRM in media files (audio/ video) uses watermark technology during production and distribution
METADATA Definition (any data that describes content or data that is used to aid the identification , description and location of networked digital resources) Types: Three (i) Descriptive (ii) Administrative (iii) Structural
What is Rights Metadata The data describing rights information Its expressed through Rights Expression Languages (REL)
Types of REL INDECS EBX OEB ODRL XrML MPEG21 METS Rights Declaration Schema
INDECS Inter operability of data in ecommerce system It’s semantic model Applicable in ONIX and IDF Does not analyze any particularly defined metadata Supports e-commerce system
EBX Electronic Book eXchange working group Released in 2000 It’s an encoded XML description Purpose Permissions
OEB Open E- Book Forum Developed OEB publication structure Created a standard markup of e-book content Function
ODRL Open digital rights language It’s an IPR system developed in Australia Promoted as open standard Functioning Application
XrML Product of ContentGuard (Xerox corporation and Microsoft) It’s an XML based industry specification Emerged as right language standard Dominant REL in content industries
MPEG21 Moving picture Expert Group Aims at open framework for multimedia application It’s an XML based standard Function
METS Rights Declaration Schema An extension of the METS [Metadata Encoding and Transmission standard] It allows minimal administrative metadata for intellectual rights It’s main elements include- Rights declaration; Right holder(s) and context
Who is benefited by DRM ? Rights holder Content Provider or Publisher
Who is deprived ? The User
License against DRM GNU General Public License Creative Commons
Conclusion Self Archive License should be more explicit More promotions to open access movement by creator
References Books: 1. Caplan, Priscilla (2003) Metadata fundamentals for all librarians, American Library Association 2. Umeh, Jude (2010) the world Beyond Digital Rights Management, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. Web Sites: Metadata: the right approach an integrated model of descriptive and rights metadata in E-Commerce http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july98/rust/07rust.html
Thank You Krishna Chandra Mishra M.Phil Student Dept. Of Library & Information Science University of Calcutta