Data Citation in an Open Data World Cinthia Eichhorn USFWS Note: Views are my own and are not official policy or views of USFWS.
What is Open Data? Show tools for altimetrics free tools, paid tools, tools on the horizon. 2
History of Science Communication 3
Underpinning of good science 17th Century vs 21st Century Underpinning of good science Challenges for publications to provide original data Data today is born digital Access and re-use of data and models 5
The Challenge…. Goal: How do we enable others to cite our data easily especially if published to rather than a data repository? Goal: How can we track impact? Prepare for future? How do we make data citation easier? Persistent Identifier at a minimum? Meet the needs of research colleagues, data control, and cultural change (Why share my raw data? What if someone scoops me on a future journal article?) 6
Used by others like USGS Upcoming linkages Allows for decoupling Current status Assigning DOIs Used by others like USGS Upcoming linkages Allows for decoupling doi:10.7944/W3159J Protocol doi:10.7944/W3RP4B 1950-2011 Allows for Altmetrics to show impact ALM package in R Plum Analytics 8
Helpful Tool: 9
Open and rapidly evolving field Extension of quality metadata DOIs and Altmetrics Open and rapidly evolving field Extension of quality metadata Provenance Cited Refute Misuse Repositories- & ALM package 10
Questions? Thank You! 12