Chapter 14, Section 5 Education and Culture p. 506-509 American culture changes as education becomes more available.
Rise in high school enrollment linked to industrialization Educating Americans Main Idea: States take steps to expand education, including requiring children to attend school. The growth of industry increase the demand for educated workforce Why? By 1852, states begin to make compulsory educations laws. require children attend school up to a certain age By 1918 all states have compulsory education. School day is from 8am to 4pm teaching the “3 R’s” Adult education programs started by wealthy philanthropists, churches, teaching companies that travel circuits. Rise in high school enrollment linked to industrialization
New American Writers Main Idea: A new generation of American writers tried to describe real life as it was. Increased education, increased the literacy of America New style of writing: realism a writer attempts to show what life is really like Realist Writers: Stephen Crane, Jack London, Kate Chopin, & Paul Dunbar Most famous realist: Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn describe the South before the Civil War (see p. 508) Antebellum = before the Civil War Samuel Clemens (pen name: Mark Twain)
Joseph Pulitzer: Father of the Modern Newspaper A Newspaper Boom Main Idea: Education contributes to a rapid growth in American newspapers. Increased literacy, increases the number of newspapers and magazines in America. Joseph Pulitzer (immigrant) creates the first modern mass-circulation newspaper Cuts the cost of the newspaper (Remember the Printing press?) so everyone could afford to buy the newspaper. Pulitzer’s newspapers were famous for their sensational headlines that reported crimes and scandals. Critics call Pulitzer’s type of reporting yellow journalism. Joseph Pulitzer: Father of the Modern Newspaper