The Community Response Active Shooter The Community Response
Active Shooter Community training started in 2006 Lessons learned from Columbine Training focuses on options… Police response Campus notifications Plan, Plan, Plan !!!!!!! Lessons learned – Since Columbine in 1999 we no longer wait for swat or other agencies before trying to stop the threat. Options- discuss the different options you may have in the event of an active shooter occurrence. Police response- Notifications are done through the Campus wide alert system- distributed by email , phone, text etc…. Plan ahead….. Don’t wait for an incident to develop…
DEADLIEST U.S. SCHOOL SHOOTINGS 2007-04-16 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA (33 fatalities) 2012-12-14 Sandy Hook Elementary School Newtown, CT (28 fatalities) 1999-04-20 Columbine High School Littleton, CO (13 fatalities)
COLUMBINE “Within the span of 16 minutes, the gunman killed 13 people and wounded 21 others. In 1999 we had the Columbine Incident.
VIRGINIA TECH After the Virginia Tech Incident It Heightened our awareness related to Campuses and we began to pay more attention to our surroundings The Faculty/Staff started to look for signs of any strange behaviors from the people that they were around. The Campus Wide Alert Systems were updated/improved.(they continue to be updated and improved)
Sandy Hook Elementary School Adam Lanza (20, Male), Fatality (Suicide) Occurred on Dec 14, 2012 Adam Lanza, an honors student with no criminal record, shot and killed 26 people, including 20 first-grader children, 6-7 years old (12 girls, 8 boys). It was the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. Lanza died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The Active Shooter Defined 1 or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. “active” aspect of the definition implies that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based upon their responses to the situation. 1 4/16/07 Va Tech: Seung-Hui Cho Shot and killed 32, wounded 17, then killed self. 2 2/14/08 N. Illinois Steven Kazmierczak Shot and killed 4, wounded 18, then killed self 3.2/12/10 UA Huntsville, Amy Bishop, killed one, wounded three. Sentenced to life in prison in 2012. Shot and killed her brother in MA in 1986 and questioned in 93 about a pipe bomb. (Workplace Violence?) 4 4/20/99 Columbine HS Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold Shot and killed 13, wounded 21, suicide.
Active Shooter Incidents of targeted violence at schools rarely were sudden, impulsive acts Most Attackers had no history of prior violent or criminal behavior Considered the greatest terrorist threat on campuses
Mentality of Active Shooter Desire is to kill and seriously injure without concern for his safety or threat of capture Normally has intended victims and will search them out Will continue to move throughout building/area until stopped by law enforcement, suicide, or other intervention
Columbine Lessons Learned Officers don’t wait for SWAT 2-4 Officers immediately enter Goal is to immediately locate, contain, and stop the shooter Now doing training for single officer responses.
Active Shooter Facts to Consider FBI Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the US between 2000-2013 160 incidents occurred An average of 11.4 incidents occurred annually There were 486 casualties & 557 wounded in these incidents.(Shooters are not included in these totals) 70% of the incidents occurred in either a commerce/business or educational environment Educational environments were identified as the 2nd most common location for these shootings(39 total incidents) 27 were at Schools(Pre-K to 12), 12 were at Institutions of Higher Education
Active Shooter Facts to Consider FBI Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the US between 2000-2013 All but 2 incidents involved a single shooter In at least 6 incidents, the shooters were female, all others were male Educational incidents account for some of the higher casualty counts 60% of the incidents ended before Police arrived Even when law enforcement was present or able to respond within minutes, civilians often had to make life and death decisions. This is why this training is so important; to prepare you for these type situations you may face
20 incidents occurred in each year Active Shooter Facts to Consider FBI Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the US between 2014-2015 20 incidents occurred in each year 231 Casualties: 92 killed & 139 wounded (excluding the shooter) 6 incidents ended with citizen involvement 26 incidents ended w/LEO at the scene 14 incidents ended w/ an exchange of gunfire between 16 shooters & LEO 12 killed 3 committed suicide 1 surrendered
Active Shooter Facts to Consider FBI Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the US between 2014-2015 Continued- 42 Shooters 39 males 3 females The shooters ranged from pre-teen age to 1 in the 70’s Fifteen of the 40 incidents occurred in areas of commerce Six of the incidents occurred in educational environments: 3 at schools (pre-K through 12th grade) and 3 at Institutions of Higher Education (IHE)
Your Role During a Shooting Immediate and safe escape Secure in place Lock and barricade doors Close blinds Turn off lights Stay calm and quiet Overpower?? Personal safety Leader not Hero *Remember mentality of shooter*
Refer to the active shooter checklist. Located on the Police website.
Departmental / Individual Planning Department “All Hazard” Plan KISS Have a plan “B” because “A” will fail Murphy's Law Where do I go, what do I do? Rally points Practice, Practice, Practice *Be prepared not paranoid*
Contacting Us… 911 Emergency 962-2222 Non-Emergency Anonymous e-mail Anonymous Tip Line 962-TIPS Nearest Call Box Text a Tip: text “Tip708”, your message and send to CRIMES (274637) or online This service is available in cooperation with the Wilmington Police Department. Police Department 5126 Lionfish Drive (Walton at Lionfish)
What to Report Assailant(s) Specific location Number of assailant(s) Race and Gender Clothing color and style Physical features – height, weight, facial hair, glasses Type of weapons (rifle/shotgun, handgun) Backpack Do you recognize the shooter? What’s his name? Have you heard explosions separate from gunshots?
General Safety Tips Always go with your gut instinct Be observant Limit opportunity for crime Report anything suspicious Escorts and assistance Be Safe!!!