The Origins of the Reformation
What causes the Catholic Church to weaken? What causes the Catholic Church to weaken?
1) Challenges from kings for power King taxes clergy. King Philip IV arrests Pope Boniface VIII for papal bull, Unam Sanctam, which said pope was the only leader of the church.
2) Great Schism A split within the Catholic Church in 1378 Two popes are elected in Rome: Pope Urban VI (favored by Romans) Pope Clement VII (favored by French)
3) Corruption within Church Church collected taxes to support itself Clergy sold indulgences (certificates for salvation, like “tickets to heaven”) Church positions often sold to highest bidder
Who decides to challenge the Catholic Church for this corruption? MARTIN LUTHER
The Event which begins the Reformation WHEN: WHERE: WHO: WHAT: WHY: WHAT HE CAUSES: October 31, 1517 Wittenberg, Germany Martin Luther Nailed 95 Theses (complaints about church) to church door To protest corrupt church practices (indulgences) and invite debate among scholars Reformation – others challenge the church
What is Martin Luther saying? “Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.” “I do not accept authority of popes and councils…My conscience is captive to the word of God.”
What was Luther’s Main Argument? JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH = path to God and heaven is through faith alone I believe!
Luther studied the Bible and used its scriptures as evidence to prove his 95 theses. Since his life was in danger, he hid in a castle in Wartburg pretending to be a knight. This is where he continued his studies.
Luther translated the Bible into German at Wartburg Luther translated the Bible into German at Wartburg. He did this so everyday people could read the Bible.
Who was another major church reformer during this time? JOHN CALVIN
What is John Calvin saying? “The whole counsel of God, concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man's salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture.”
What did Calvin teach in Calvinism? Predestination - God has chosen group of believers for salvation Devotion to God & reading Bible Strict code of moral behavior
Can you guess what churches were founded by Martin Luther and John Calvin which still exist today? Lutheran Church JOHN CALVIN Calvinist Church Both are PROTESTANT churches, because they were “protesting” corrupt church practices.