PA is Ready!: Funders and Nonprofits collaborate in a new ways Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition
Coalition of organizations across Pennsylvania formed to build the capacity of local community organizations to provide Pennsylvania immigrant communities the information and assistance they need to apply for immigration assistance. Raised x in subgrants and leveraged x amount Community navigators – Coordination Funds - $50K in coordination funds $80K – leveraged for Pittsburgh project
2016 Results 3,401 reached through information sessions and clinics in 17 counties 503 individuals screened to determine eligibility for a form of relief 359 community volunteers trained from diverse undocumented immigrant communities in Pennsylvania *This data covers services provided by PA is Ready! subgrants between January and September 2016. Majority of the work took place between March and September 2016.
2016 and 2017 Funding and Distributions $710,000 raised $ 80,000 leveraged $465,000 distributed to CBO/legal services collaborations S. Albert Fund
Background In September 2014, PICC convened immigrant advocates and allies interested in preparing for President Obama’s Executive Action Announcement The coalition expanded the scope of services to include other forms of immigration assistance Officially launched in January 2016
Goals Build statewide capacity to provide immigration assistance Prevent exploitation of immigration communities Build immigrant leadership and organizing capacity to engage in local, state, and federal immigrant rights campaigns Reach diverse immigrant communities in Pennsylvania
PA is READY Coordination Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition Coordinate and support grantees Collaborate with key partners Coordinate Trainings Lead coalition calls Maintain a centralized location for materials Maintain a statewide hotline number and website. Lead and manage fundraising efforts Track and report on coalition work and submit reports
PA is READY Coordination The Philadelphia Foundation Funder Education Fundraising Connect with national grantmaker collaboration Technical assistance FL AZ
Services Offered Know Your Rights & Deportation Defense Packets First-time and Renewal DACA 2012 Applications Citizenship Applications Eligibility Screening Packets for other forms of relief Tax ID (ITIN) Applications Information on immigration services (notario) fraud and unauthorized practice of law
PA is Ready! Service Model Community-Based Organization Legal Service Provider Information Session Legal Screening/ Document Prep Legal Clinic/ Application Assistance
PA is Ready! Grantmaking Model Funder PA is Ready! Fund At The Philadelphia Foundation Funder Funder Funder Grantmaking Committee Funder Representatives PICC Representative PA is Ready! Members Capacity building Partnerships - Legal Services/Community Based Organizations + + +
Funder Education Goals Enhance PA funders’ understanding of the contribution of immigrants and the impact of immigration on their work Deepen connections between local grantmakers and immigrant-serving organizations Expand immigrant-related grantmaking across PA Expand the network of funders concerned with immigrants and refugees in Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Berks, Philadelphia Pittsburgh – immigrant integration – blueprint on immigrant integration, trying to get funding for that effort at the moment Lancaster – refugees, undocumented immigrants less in the conversation Berks -
Lessons Learned and Keys to Success
Lessons/Keys to Success Relationship Building Flexibility Awareness of Power Dynamics Transparency Intentional diversity and inclusion