Career Choices and Changes Chapter 2 Who Am I? Career Choices and Changes Chapter 2
Introduction Grades and Other Teachers Video
Vocabulary Words – workbook page 10 Aesthetic – relating to beauty; artistic (aesthetically pleasing = nice to look at) Forthright – going straight to the point Forceful – full of force; powerful Authoritative – official; conclusive Influencing – to alter something in an indirect or even sneaky way Spontaneous – an action arising from a whim or sudden impulse Amiable – friendly; good-natured; sociable; pleasant Methodical – systematic, following a definite method
Analytical – characterized by division of a problem into separate parts of a study Meticulous – great care shown to details Diplomatic – using tact, especially in stressful circumstances; smooth Systematic – methodical thoroughness Submissive – submitting to others; obedient Charismatic – exhibiting a dynamic personality Empathy – having compassion or understanding for the pain or struggles of another
Innovative – on the cutting edge; creative Perseverance – steadfast; doggedness; striving to reach a goal even through hurdles Versatile – able to move from one activity/situation to another easily; adaptable Synthesize – combine parts or pieces into a whole Negotiate – bargain; make terms
Who Am I? 3 Volunteer “Actors” Page 24 of Textbook Narrator Leticia James Page 24 of Textbook Actors read the story
Your Personal Profile Pg 11 of your workbook Write your name in the center (bullseye) In the next circle add as many of your passions as you can think of Band, choir, bmx, sports, drama, dance, art, knitting, etc Add your values What is important to you? Continue filling in as much of the target as you can Explanations for each can be found on page 26 of your textbook
James and Leticia “Actors” Page 28 of textbook Identifying your passions What are some of Leticia’s passions? Turn to page 12 in your workbooks Answer the questions about your own passions
People, Tigers, Traps Like Rock, Paper, Scissors Turn to your partner Tiger beats people People beat traps Traps beat tigers Best of three – do it together as a class. Partners join as a team and compete against another pair Groups of 4 compete against one another Groups of 8, 16
Work Values Survey Scores Total each column “Very True” = 9 points “Sometimes True” = 6 points “Not Sure” = 3 points “Not True” = 0 points Total each column “Actors” Page 30 of textbook Work Values Survey What are your values? Look back at bullseye (pg 11)if you forgot What is important to you Turn to page 13 of your workbook Fill in a response to each item Transfer your scores onto workbook page 16 Pay close attention to the question numbers
Values Categories Column with the highest score is the value that is most important to you right now Turn to page 36-37 of your textbook Descriptions of value categories What kinds of careers might best fit your values?
Strengths and Personality “Actors” – page 38 of the textbook We are all unique! Open to page 17 of your workbook 4 columns of words Circle the 10 words that best describe your personality traits Tally the number of words circled in each column This information will be used later in this course
Strengths and Personality Page 18 of work books Take the self-evaluation by answering the multiple choice questions Count how many times you marked “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d” Write these numbers on page 19 Go back to page 17 and transfer these to page 19 as well Answer the questions at the bottom of page 19 What letter is your prominent letter? Turn to page 43 of your text to see which personality trait best describes you.
Homework Ask 6 people (more if you want) what personality traits best describe your personality. This is their opinion of your personality Write down what they say and who they are.
Your Strengths On page 20 of your workbook Write down as many of your strengths as you can Use the lists on pages 39 and 44 of your textbook for help On page 20 of your workbook, list what you use these strengths for Read page 46 On page 21 of your workbook List three accomplishments (most proud of – most satisfaction from) on the left In the middle column, skills needed for that accomplishment Final column leave blank for a minute Do you see any patterns emerge in the skill column?
Skills Categories Basic Active listening Technical Critical Thinking Learning Strategies Math Monitoring Reading Comprehension Science Speaking Writing Complex Problem Solving Identifying complex problems Review related information to develop options Evaluation of options Implementing Solutions Skills Categories Technical Equipment Maintenance and Selection Installation Operation Control , Analysis and Monitoring Programming Repairing Technology Design Troubleshooting System Judgment Decision making System Analysis and Evaluation Resource Management Financial, material, and personal resources Time Management Social Coordination Instructing Negotiation Persuasion Service Orientation Social Perspective
Skills Identification Page 48 of text (22 in workbook) Read the list of skills in all the categories Put a next to the items you think you already know how to do Put an next to the items you want to learn how to do Go back to page 21 in the workbook Fill in the far right column with the category of skills you think if falls into Which category do you feel is preferential? (write it on page 22 of the workbook) What other skills do you have that aren’t listed on page 21? Write these on page 22 What other skills do you want to master?
Roles, Occupations, and Vocations Page 49 of textbook Go back to page 11 of your workbook Update the skill and aptitudes ring Update the Roles, Occupations, and Vocations ring as well Read the “Message Center” – page 50-51 of textbook Turn to page 23 of workbook Fill in your name What do you think each of those people would say in your message? Which messages are negative or limiting to you? Circle these How much importance should you place on these? Do you live up to other peoples’ goals for you?
Positive Messages What positive messages can you give yourself about your future? Write these on page 24 of your workbook Go back to page 11 of your workbook Update your bullseye
Chapter 2 checkpoint Go onto your account and fill in chapter 2 Username First letter of first name Full last name (as it appears on your transcript) Password 6 digit school ID number Your Personal Profile Work Values Survey Checkpoints