Cuban Missile Crisis
So Far Greece and Turkey China, Koreas and Vietnam Numerous policies Domestic Power Point
1959 Cuban Revolution Castro Batista
US and Cuba Clip Century Series 1. Batista Overthrown
Bay of Pigs Region Latin America: Cuba Place the events in chronological order Castro overthrows Batista Failed US invasion better Cuban/Russian relationship Cuban/Russian relationship established Castro nationalizes businesses US fears communism/cuts trade Increased relations forces US to plan invasion
Nikita Khrushchev Former First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
American nuclear weapons were first deployed in Turkey in 1959
Questions Should JFK go to war with Russia or Cuba? Should the US do nothing?
So Far Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis Castro (right) replaces Batista (below) in 1959
If you were Castro would you want the authorization to launch the nukes (full access)? Fog of War Clip
Cuban Missile Crisis Place the events in chronological order Russia send nukes to Cuba US/Cuban tension increases Russia and Cuba become allies Cuba and Turkey missiles removed JFK quarantines Cuba hard /soft letter sent US has missiles in Greece Turkey