Nutrition By: Wyatt Gibb
Carbohydrates 2 types Gives energy Simple and Complex Simple: refined sugars Complex: starches Gives energy your body breaks them down into simple sugars In grains ie breads, pasta, rice, cookies…etc.
Fats 3 types Unsaturated, Trans, Saturated Unsaturated fats: in plant foods and fish Saturated fats: in meat and animal products Trans fats: found in margarine 30% of diet Fats
Protein 2 types Complete: meat, milk Incomplete: peanuts, red beans Complete and incomplete Complete: meat, milk Incomplete: peanuts, red beans In most meat Amino acids can be reused Protein
Fiber Types: Soluble, Insoluble In whole grain products, fruits, veges Soluble lowers cholesterol Insoluble helps with constipation In whole grain products, fruits, veges Fiber has no cal. Fiber
Vitamins types: fat soluble and water soluble Vitamin: D in milk A in carrots C in oranges B/E/K in green vegetables Fat soluble stored in body Water soluble aren't stored Vitamins
Minerals Types: macro and trace Different vitamins in different foods Macro: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur. Trace: includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium. Different vitamins in different foods Minerals
Water We need water to function Dehydration means :lack of water You automatically regulate water in your body Is over half your body weight Helps to fight illness in lymph Water Bibliography