Start How confident are you that you can answer a question? See the question before the 4 possible answers and get ready with your gambling chips! Instructions
A C B D Scoreboard Answer Reveal 1 2 President-elect Donald Trump has Scottish ancestry owing to which family relation? Grandfather Father A C Grandmother Mother B D How confident are you that you know the answer? Bring your chip to the front of the class now!
Teams: Next question Team Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Click on chip to add score to each team Team Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 10 25 1 2 5 10 25 1 2 5 10 25 1 2 5 10 25 1 2 5 10 25 1 2 5 10 25
Question Correct answer Incorrect answer 1 Incorrect answer 2 Incorrect answer 3 President-elect Donald Trump has Scottish ancestry owing to which family relation? Mother Grandmother Father Grandfather Which of Tony Blair's four children was born whilst their father was Prime Minister? Leo Euan Nicky Kathryn Which of these actors has NOT been married to Angelina Jolie? Timothy Hutton Brad Pitt Jonny Lee Miller Billy Bob Thornton How many children did Queen Victoria have? 9 8 7 10 Which of these ‘Taylor’s’ is no longer a member of Duran Duran? Andy Roger John Nick In a recent survey of the most beautiful love songs written about real people, which person featured twice as the inspiration of two songs written by Eric Clapton and George Harrison? Pattie Boyd Yoko Ono Barbara Bach Margaret Thatcher Which of these actors had/has a parent who won an Oscar? Jane Fonda Michael Douglas Jaden Smith Carrie Fisher Which of these is the billionaire patriarch of the Tracey family, member of International Rescue and star of the Thunderbirds? Jeff Virgil Alan Which of these relations of Boris Johnson was the only person to vote ‘Leave’ in the EU referendum in June 2016? Marina (wife) Jo (brother) Stanley (father) Rachel (sister) Which of these was not a son of Noah (of ‘The Ark’ fame)? Seth Japheth Shem Ham
play Running the activity: Preparation: Note this resource has embedded ‘macros’ that must be enabled when prompted. To edit the resource, use the table on slide 6. You should enter 10 questions in column 1. You should enter the correct answer to the question in column 2. You should enter 3 incorrect answers in columns 3, 4 and 5. Save the file immediately. Print off a copy of slide 6 for each team participating and cut out the chips to give to each team. Run the slideshow from slide 1 to ensure that the questions start with question 1. Separate your class into (up to) 6 teams and give each team a set of chips. Explain the purpose and rules of the activity. Running the activity: Start from slide 1 and click on the ‘Start’ button. This resets the board, its scores and starts the game off at question number 1. The question is showing, however the 4 possible answers are not revealed. Ask the teams ‘how confident are they that they can answer the question’. They must give you a chip each – the more confident they are the higher the value of this chip should be. Note: once the chip is used it can not be used again! After each team has given you their chip reveal the possible 4 answers. Now ask the students to give you their answer to the question (either A,B, C or D). Click on ‘Answer’ to reveal the correct answer and make a not of the teams who answered correctly. Go to the scoreboard and click on the chip value gambled by each team – this will update their scores. Click on ‘Next question’ to move on to the second question. Repeat this process for all 10 questions. The winning team is the team with the highest score after 6 questions.
Chips – print out one of these sheets per team (up to 6) Chips – print out one of these sheets per team (up to 6). Cut out chips and give to teams
A C D B How confident are you that you know the answer? Bring your chip to the front of the class now!