Metric: Supplier Attendance by Meeting Location Americas Purpose To track the number of Suppliers attending the Nadcap Meetings. Goal 15% increase of Suppliers attending the Nadcap Meetings by sector in which the meeting is held from 2011 through 2013. Highlight Pittsburgh meetings have increased 11%. Other American locations have increased 13%. Attendance at European meetings has declined since 2013, but has increased overall since 2011. The decrease reflects a decline in attendance from European suppliers. Proposed Action This metric will be presented to the SSC LT and actions will be developed to address the decline in participation of Europeans in Europe. Europe 243 179
Metric: Supplier Voting Member Engagement Purpose To track the % of accredited Suppliers that are eligible to vote. Goal 10% of accredited Suppliers are eligible to vote. Highlight 4% of the suppliers were eligible to vote. There has been no overall change since the Dublin meeting in June 2014. 4 Task Groups specifically limit the number of suppliers eligible to vote. 6 Task Groups meet or exceed the goal. Proposed Action On hold pending decision by the NMC of the Standardization Committee’s recommendation for Supplier Voting Member rules.
Metric: SSC Meeting Attendance Purpose Monitor Supplier attendance at SSC meetings. Goal 50% of all Suppliers at the Nadcap meeting attended the SSC meeting. Highlight There has been a downward trend in SSC attendance since 2011. Proposed Action Monitor the following actions to determine impact on attendance: Reduced length of meeting from 2 hours to 1-1/2 More breakout sessions/interactive content to engage suppliers Improve marketing efforts to increase attendance
Metric: On-Time Delivery of RAIL (Rolling Action Item List) Purpose To ensure the SSC is closing out action items in a timely manner. Goal 85% of open RAIL items will be closed within the due date specified. (will be measured quarterly) Highlight This is a new metric. Proposed Action Will monitor the effect of the new SSC Request Form on timeliness of closing action items. 33%