Electronic Nautical Chart (ENC) Adaption in Pilot’s display in order to Optimize River Navigation Safety and Efficiency In the era of technology, IoT and big data, hydrographic services worldwide have made many improvements on the Electronic Nautical Charts (ENCs) display. However, the more detailed features that ENCs can offer, the bigger challenges an e-Piloting solution provider comes to face. The challenge is to keep balance between the intuitiveness of a piloting system and the proper display of the ENC features. Particularly in river piloting jobs that a pilot has to maneuver a vessel along long and narrow waterway. The pilot would need to see enough chart details around the current position of the vessel, in the meantime, he/she needs a good overview along the route further distance away for obtaining good situational awareness. In SafePilot, we have improved our ENC adaptation in Pilot’s display to optimize navigation safety and efficiency.
Chart Clutter
Chart Clutter
Customized Chart Features Pilot defined safety contours provide a visual reference to areas where depth is a concern.
Predicted Meeting Points The combination of AIS data with high accuracy ship speed and position facilitates the prediction of meeting points as well as the impact of changes in speed on the likely meeting point.
User Defined Turning Areas Allowing the user to define a turning area within the basin, the system can relate ships position to the circle and show the predicted path of the vessel based on its current motion.
High Accuracy Docking Aid When the Pilot defines the actual location of the bulkhead on the chart, both bow and stern closing speed and distance can be accurately displayed and predicted.
User Defined Hazards