Praise God In Worship Unit 2 Session 7
Saint Gregory the Great Gregory, born in 540 A.D. Always concerned with the needs of the poor At a young age Gregory was named prefect or governor of Rome Rome was frequently attacked by invaders Resigned from position of prefect He sold his land and donated to the poor He was ordained a priest Lived at a monastery
Saint Gregory the Great Elected Pope He wanted to remain at the monastery He decided to follow God’s will by becoming the bishop of Rome He negotiated peace agreements with invaders of Rome He sent missionaries to foreign lands Helped to develop doctrine: the teachings that help us understand and express our experience of the mystery of God. Doctor of the Church: a man or woman recognized as a model teacher of the Christian faith.
Life in the Church The Holy Spirit helps us live as disciples today We are animated by the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit fills us with God’s grace and helps us share his peace and love with others. We are called to live in communion with others Image the Trinity
Gregory’s Influence on Liturgy Gregory wrote a book called Pastoral Care, raised the standard for preaching In your groups talk about a memorable homily that you heard at mass. What made it so memorable? What did the priest or deacon say? What was the message of the homily?
Gregory’s Influence on Liturgy He also asked for simplification of music Gregorian Chant: A form of liturgical music that began its development during the time of Pope Gregory the Great
Called To Worship God Adoration: the act of giving reverence to God by recognizing and worshiping the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament Real Presence: the way in which the risen Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist in the consecrated Bread and wine. Jesus Christ’s presence is called real because in the Eucharist his Body and Blood, soul and divinity are wholly and entirely present.
1st Commandment We are to love God above all else Idolatry: When something becomes more important to us than God, we commit idolatry which is worshiping a false god.
2nd Commandment God’s name is holy We respect God’s name by not using it in a way that dishonors them No swearing Jesus Christ! I swear to God! Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no
3rd Commandment Make holy the Sabbath: the seventh day when God rested after finishing the work of creation. Sunday is the sabbath for Christians. Why is it on Sunday? Go to mass on Sunday or Saturday vigil