Avoid Final crisis: Printing your dissertation
Only start the printing process when your thesis is… …absolutely, with do doubt, fully completed!
Time is crucial – don’t be late
The issue of time…8 weeks to go No later than 8 semester weeks before the planned public defense … Your principal supervisor has the last opportunity to formally apply for a public defense of your thesis. Send a digital summary of your thesis, in English and Swedish, to forskarutbildningen@mdh.se As soon as possible after the decision on the public defense from the Pro-Dean for the Third-cycle Education you must register your thesis in DiVA to obtain an ISBN number, title page and spikblad (notification of submission of a doctoral thesis). You need the ISBN number, title page and spikblad when you order your thesis at the printshop’s website.
6 weeks to go… No later than 6 semester weeks before the planned public defense… … your thesis must be completely ready for printing. The process of printing the thesis starts. The production process from completed file to completed thesis is usually about 3 weeks.
The issue of spikning The thesis must be printed in time for the spikning 3 weeks before the planned public defense.
…4 to 3 weeks to go No later than 4 weeks before dissertation contact the Pro-Dean for Third-cycle Education to book a date to sign two copies of the thesis for the spikning. No later than 3 semester weeks before the planned public defense you must spika the signed copies of the doctoral thesis in both Eskilstuna or Västerås. The thesis, in full text or kappa (introductory chapter), is entered into DiVA by the Library by the same time. Distribute the thesis to the parties concerned.
The only way is to use the thesis template!
Be ready! Read your own PDF written in the MDH template for thesises until you are sure everything is correct. That you wouldn’t change a thing! NEVER send something to the printshop that is not complete or fully read by you and your supervisor. You will not save time by sending anything to the printshop before you send the final version. Be sure you send the final version to be printed.
Check the proofs PDF proof Printed proof This proof is just for checkning that the transistion from your PDF to the printshop didn’t cause any problems. If you have done your job – you just has to say YES, go ahead to the printshop and you will get a… Printed proof This proof is just for checkning that the pictures, charts and illustrations have the right quality. This should be the point where you just say YES, print the edition. But before you do: Check that nothing is missing again! Then say YES!!!
Delivery Five working days from ”YES print now” the thesis edition will be delivered At your MDH postbox in Eskilstuna or Västerås Shortest time to get an edition from start to delivery is 10 days – if everything goes to plan. But that is up to you!
Order at E-print www.eprint.se