Welcome Back Bear Creek Middle School 2016-2017
Principal, Bear Creek Middle School Fairburn, GA Anthony J. Newbold, Ed.D. Principal, Bear Creek Middle School Fairburn, GA
Agenda 2015-2016 Glows 2015-2016 Data Now What Staff Handbook
Bear Creek Middle School 2016-2017 State of Our School Highlights TTO Microsoft Showcase School 1-1 Device Deployment State Social Studies Fair Winner Redefining Learning Conference Growth Math Reading
Distinguished Learner % Milestones – 6th Subject Beginning Learner % Developing Learner % Proficient Learner % Distinguished Learner % Developing and Above % Proficient & Above % ELA 47.9 31.5 18.8 1.8 52.1 20.6 Math 46.7 37.9 13.8 53.3 15.7 Science 55.2 29.1 14.7 1 44.8 Social Studies 51.8 38.5 8.3 1.3 48.2 9.6
Distinguished Learner % Milestones – 7th Subject Beginning Learner % Developing Learner % Proficient Learner % Distinguished Learner % Developing and Above % Proficient & Above % ELA 36.1 41.6 21.7 .5 63.9 22.3 Math 42 38 14.2 5.7 58 19.9 Science 49.7 36.5 12.4 1.3 50.3 13.7 Social Studies 43.5 41.2 1.6 56.5 15.3
Distinguished Learner % Milestones – 8th Subject Beginning Learner % Developing Learner % Proficient Learner % Distinguished Learner % Developing and Above % Proficient & Above % ELA 33.1 40.3 24.6 2 66.9 26.6 Math 56.2 38.7 4.8 .3 43.8 5.1 Science 73.6 21.4 4.7 26.4 5 Social Studies 70.4 24.3 29.6 5.2
Distinguished Learner % Milestones EOC – 8th Subject Beginning Learner % Developing Learner % Proficient Learner % Distinguished Learner % Developing and Above % Proficient & Above % ELA na Math 9.7 32.3 45.2 12.9 90.3 58.1 Science 19 71.4 9.5 81.0
Teach To One Math All Students 702 23.60% 28.60% 29.60% 6th Grade 259 Sub Group # Students % At/Above Grade Level Average Fall 2015 % At/Above Grade Level Average Winter % At/Above Grade Level Average Spring 2016 All Students 702 23.60% 28.60% 29.60% 6th Grade 259 15.00% 21.50% 29.00% 7th Grade 252 25.00% 33.30% 30.20% 8th Grade 191 31.10% 29.80% TTO Avg Fall to Spring Gain Natl. Avg. Fall to Spring Gain 2015 Norms 6.08 6.25 8.41 7.71 5.15 6.00 4.14 4.60
GOSA Grade Governor's Office of Student Achievement Ties into CCRPI Schoolgrades.Georgia.org
So What, Now What? Plan to Address Deficiencies Climate and Culture Talent Literacy Data
Climate and Culture New Discipline Cycle PBIS Restorative Practices Teacher Incentives Teacher Outings Student Incentives Parent Nights Check and Connect Parent of the Month
Talent Hire Hard Practice Often Professional Development Microsoft Innovative Educators AVID Personalized Learning TKES Data
Literacy SRI STAR Bear Block Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Live Binder
Data Driven Instruction Regular Data Meetings All in Learning All Common Assessments Formative Summative Mastery Connect
Title I English Teacher Social Studies Teacher 2 Reading Teachers Math Coach Data Support Specialist
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