You will become a Millionaire In few months Elite family
Multiple income funnel Your multiple income funnel Income from Elite family membership fee Income from Corporate business compensation plan Income from bringing people into the system And other possible revenue and bonuses attached New other business in one family is now available
On the long run, you will own a car or house Other long term benefits As a long term member, you will own a car or house You will become a corporate business man You can brand your corporate business Potential starter earnings of $35,400 in few months Your success is 100% guaranteed
How it works Subscribe to a monthly membership of $35 and your membership fee will be use to get you GSU and future earnings. In short period of time, you will be paid. On the next page after payment, download an E-book that will guide you on how to start your corporate business Register and activate your corporate business with the link we will give you after payment. Contact 08164124756 Send us your corporate business referral link We will put your link into rotator and work with you to place people under you You will begin making money
We will most of the work for you We will be the one to do almost all the work for you Yours is to key yourself in at the earlier time Immediately you get this information, get yourself lock in The earlier you subscribe the better Once you join, you will become an elite Everybody will earn, it is a team work It is an autopilot program
INCOME ONE Elite monthly membership is shared among all other members When people are place under you, you will be paid from their member ship fee in an even trend. It takes you just few months to start earning. And once you start earning, your income will keep growing for life When new programs are introduced in future, you will have direct access to it as an elite member. You do not need to look for people to be under you alone, we will work with you to acheive this. After 2 to 3 months 5 downlines referred= $50 10 direct downlines placed under you= $500 Every months and on and on--- till infinity.... You can earn up to $5000 and above every month on this income one alone
INCOME TWO When you join the corporate business, you will be paid in gold and you can sell your gold anytime you want. There is a compensation plan in which when you have at least two people under you, you will start earning. We will work with you and fill these 2 people under you directly. You can start with their lowest bronze package and upgrade later After registration send your corporate referral link to us to be added to our rotator After 2 to 3 months Bronze package= $100 Silver package= $300 Gold package= $700 VIP Gold package= $1,800 Every months and on and on--- till infinity.... You can earn up to $10,000 every months at the long run and also get a car or house.
INCOME THREE If you bring a person into Elite family, you will get 10% instant commission of the person membership fee.. If you bring in 5 people into the program, 2 of them will be automatically placed under you and you will still get your instant commissions.. The remaining 3 will be sent into the rotator... And your rotator link will still be filled up (your position in the rotator doesn’t change)... If you bring 5 people in, you will get up to $150 instantly... Your rotator will be filled up quickly and you will start earning... Direct people to Send a mail to to inform us... For those that cannot bring people in, don’t panic, everybody will earn.. REMEMBER; THIS IS NOT A NETWORKING PROGRAM, WE JUST WANT TO CROWN PEOPLE’S EFFORT FOR BRINGING PEOPLE IN.
HOW TO START HOW TO Click on the PayPal subscribe button or perfect money (PAY NOW) to make payment. Download your E-book guide after payment Register your corporate account
SET UP YOUR CORPORATE BUSINESS HOW TO UPLOAD DOCUMENTS (any government ID card and bank statement) After uploading you KYC, click on the green help button at the left side of the image and send them a message to approve your documents fast.
SET UP YOUR CORPORATE BUSINESS HOW TO Click on PRODUCT PURCHASE on the upper tab of image one. Select PACKAGE from the drop down list and follow the steps in the images . BUY PACKAGE (either bronze or gold package) SEND YOUR REFERRAL LINK TO
FOLD YOUR ARMS AND START EARNING This is a life time business Do not ever refer people by yourself to your corporate business, there is strong penalty for that and you may lose your position in the rotator. Always pay your $35 membership fee, it is very important and the payment will only last for few months. Or one time fee of $150. Download the E-book after you subscribe for more info. We guaranty your success
YOUR MINIMUM ESTIMATED PROFITS Minimum estimated Profit in 1 months(1 level)= $2,920 Total Profit in 1 year= $2,920*3levels *12= $106,200 ============================================== Except if you do not participate JOIN THIS BUSINESS AS FAST POSSIBLE SO ACT FAST AND LOCK YOURSELF IN 100% PROFITABLE BUSINESS GUARANTEED